I've been watching the avatar episodes from the Siege of the North to the Western Air temple, and Ive figured out the reason that the Earth Kingdom fell. and the reason the Invasion failed.
Yes I am blaiming Sokkas big mouth(though there were other things that wouldv'e also changed the course of event that happened, Sokka's big mouth is the thing farthest back that caused the failure of the invasion). Here is how it happened:
First after the Gaang used the calender thing in "The Lidrary" to find out why the day of black sun was bad for the FN (which was crutual for the invasion and why nothing farther back would've worked).
- When Sokka said "THE FIRE NATION IS GOING DOWN" that's when every thing went bad.
- Since Sokka said that, the owl got realy realy bad and brought down the library.
- Once the owl got mad, Toph had to keep the library from sinking.
- Now since that happened, she couldn't Defend Appa from the sand benders.
- Since Appa was taken away, he had a misadvengture and was found by Suki.
- Since Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors were with Appa, they didn't leave that area and were found by Ozai's *cough*arch*cough* angels.
- Now since Ozai's *cough*arch*cough* angels found the Kyoshi Warriors they had the disguises that allowed them to get so close to the Earth king so quickly.
- Since Azula got close to the Earth king long Feng chose here to lead the Dai Lee.
- Since Azula had the Dai Lee she was able to conquer the Earth Kingdom.
- And without all of the Earth King's army the inzasion didn't work nearly as good as it could've.
And that's why I blame Sokka's big mouth
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