Aang and Co. ((You'll see who...)) arive in the Fire Nation and are ready to FIGHT! Assorted random soldiers fight the guards around the palace as Aang and his friends run up the steps towards the big red dorrs of the palace. They enter to a big empty room, then a dagger flies past their heads and Mai walks in. Sokka stays behind to fight her??and the rest of them continue on, but Suki stays with him.
Next set of doors they go through to a HUGE hallway; they're about to move foreward when Toph stops them. A second later Ty Lee flips down from the cieling and jumps toward the group. Jet ((He's just ONE suprise...))??knocks her out of the air before she reaches them, and tells the rest to go.
They run through another set of doors and have to dodge to avoid a fireblast and they look up to see...Zhao! As Zhao's preparing to launch another birrage of fire, Zuko((Had to do it ...Don't hurt me!!!))??knocks him back with a firekick. The others, seeing Zuko will be fine, keep going.
They open the next doors to find about 30-something guards waiting for them. Toph and Haru ((You HAD to see this coming...)) stepped forward and bend the floor to??throw the soldiers in all different directions. Katara drags Aang to the next door and shoves him through.
A blast of lightning hits just beside Katara's head. She bends a shield of water up just in time to block Azula's blue fire. Shouting at Aang to go, she launches a number of icicles at Azula.
Aang backs away towards the last pair of doors and meets ((Cue the suspenceful music)) OZAI!! After a few seconds of banter, they fight ((Oooh, so anti-climactic...)). An airblast knocks a hole in the ceiling and we see the sky grow darker. The two look up in time to see the sun over head beginning to be covered by the moon. Ozai gets p*ssed and attacks harder till the sun if finally all blocked out. Aang grins and makes some goofy remark, then has to jump back when Ozai attacks him with a sword. ((I can't see Ozai getting to be the Fire Lord without knowing how to REALLY fight.)) A few blows and blocks later, Ozai knocks Aang across the room into a wall then slides down.
When he opens his eyes, he's in the Avatar State. He rides up into the air on a tornado ((Like in "Avatar State".)) and cracks open the floor under Ozai, who doesn't get out of the way in time and falls into the crack. Aang bends the crack up around his neck and then holds out his hands and drains the water out of Ozai's body.((Hehe, Ozai's a mummy...)) Suddenly, all around him, the Fire Palace starts to fall apart around him. The door flies open just as Aang blacks out....
When he comes too, all his friends are around him. He sits up and gapes at the huge pile of rubble that was once the fire palace. A crowd slowly gathers around them and look from them to the palace. The friends look at eachother and around them. It's over.
The screen goes black and then the opening starts over, except now talks about how all the nations are united and??there's peace and all that. Then it shows all the places they've been: Kyoshi, the North Pole, South Pole, Ba Sing Se, etc. and they're all celebrating in their own way. Finally, it shows the Fire Nation capital and the partially rebuilt Palace. Then it shows the crowning of the next Fire Lord: ZUKO!((Who didn't see that coming??)) Then it shows all the others, wearing shiny new medals and awards, cheering behind him.
The show ends with everybody going various places, sadly. Suki goes back to Kyoshi, Aang is going to keep traveling, Toph decided to finally go home, Sokka goes back to the South Pole, Haru goes back to his village, Jet returns with the rest of his Freedom Fighters, etc. But, before they all leave, they share a group hug ((Can anyone else see the more cheerful people dragging Zuko and Jet into the hug, or is that just me??)) and promise to meet again.
THE END!!!!!!! ((Unless the creators are VERY nice and do a spinoff/sequel/whatever))