You know, like when Aang blows up in front of JuDee or when he describes the great divide's history(which was really a lie), or when Zuko finds Sokka with a rose in his tent, or when Chan reacts to Azula's "couple-domination-speech" in The Island, or when Sokka tries to cover for his real name in Sokka's Master, or when Zhao gets the funny little anime-style-temple-throby symbol in The Deserter, or when Katara says "I'm COmPleteLY CALM!" in The Chase, or when Aang's head smokes in The Painted Lady, or when Sokka's like "SOmeTHing ALWAYS HappENS!!" in the chase, or when Aang starts making donkey noises after saying he'd rather die than kiss Katara in the Cave of two lovers(), or when Katara says "EARTHBENDING STYLE!!!" in Imprisoned, or ...or.... or..... etc, etc, etc....
How will they handle these comedic moments? How should they handle them?