ok here's the thought avatar is gonna have a weird ending. how do u think it will end. my guess is that ozai will shoot zuko, but no one will notice because aang will have like seriously almost killed him like right afterwards (iroh will have already been there) it'll be really hard to even tell that he was shot because then the screen would flsh to aang shooting ozai (they may kill him, not sure) everyone will be cheering *hazzah the wars over!* then someon (prolly katara or iroh) will be like "hey where's zuko he should be here 4 this" then *gasp!* he'll be on the floor, DYING!! and he'll be all, i'm sorry uncle, that i let u down, and he will insist that he's fine, katara may not be able to heal him.
BEFORE that fight, he may find something out about his mom, and he will probally look at the aang gang as his new family, and Hakoda as a uncle, iroh as his father, but not there, so he'll prolly feel like part of the family though. some how, he'll get in a fight with aang, b4, that way aang will feel guilty. then as they are leaving for the fight *poof* ty lee and mai come *ya* and they will all go fight togeher.
if u already know the ending please dnt say what it is here. dnt ruin the dreams of fanatics. thanku! *bows, falls off stage*