Spacerac wrote: | ||||||||||
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Spacerac wrote: | ||||||||||
speechless8582 wrote: | ||||||||
Oh, right. The internet is such serious business that even the first amendment doesn't apply. |
Of course! Didn't you know they changed the constitution? Right after the first amendment, it says "All of this is null if the internet applies to the situation." Trufax.
Spacerac wrote: | ||
On topic- Sweet Jesus. We're surrounded by Mods, being run by Suits. I inexplicably feel violated. This is actually very disturbing, considering this site is such a superficial and immaterial pastime.
Just keep doing what you're doing. They can both go screw themselves.
confucioussayhi wrote: | ||||
On topic- Sweet Jesus. We're surrounded by Mods, being run by Suits. I inexplicably feel violated. This is actually very disturbing, considering this site is such a superficial and immaterial pastime. Just keep doing what you're doing. They can both go screw themselves. |
xRamensx wrote: | ||||||||||
Of course! Didn't you know they changed the constitution? Right after the first amendment, it says "All of this is null if the internet applies to the situation." Trufax. |
speechless8582 wrote: | ||||||||
Oh, right. The internet is such serious business that even the first amendment doesn't apply. |
Spacerac wrote: | ||||||||||||
Ah! Of course, of course.. I forgot. But it really is a dictatorship.. It's sad.. It's a freaking forum! On the interwebz! Why is it so serious?!
confucioussayhi wrote: | ||||||||||
aww...booo...well it SHOULD apply. even if it's an international website...
confucioussayhi wrote: |
Actually, on commercial sites such as this, the First Amendment does not apply. I pull for free speech on principle. The First Amendment only pertains to actual spoken words. Which is why things such as the FCC exits. Television broadcasts, radio programs(in these cases, boards such as the FCC set policies), and commercial websites are allowed to set their own rules for conduct and speech, and we are supposed to follow them. I just don't like censorship. |
Spacerac wrote: | ||
confucioussayhi wrote: | ||||
confucioussayhi wrote: |
Actually, on commercial sites such as this, the First Amendment does not apply. I pull for free speech on principle. The First Amendment only pertains to actual spoken words. Which is why things such as the FCC exits. Television broadcasts, radio programs(in these cases, boards such as the FCC set policies), and commercial websites are allowed to set their own rules for conduct and speech, and we are supposed to follow them. I just don't like censorship. |
Spacerac wrote: | ||
Eman5805 wrote: |
Like I said, they're coming to get all us fans who have been running off at the mouth. They already got one of their moles to take out SgtHydra and Nalesnik, the best of us will continue to drop at this rate. It's the beginning of the end, people! |
Valtiel930 wrote: |
huh, wut. |