Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
It's good ol' magic I so do love it
Well I'll fight in the next Agni-Kai who will fight me but only then I won't be taken seriously since I failed.
ill fight you brian.... after school...... and this time i wont turn inot a "demon"
and if brian isnt in the mood ill fight anyone who wants to
Hoshie your on....
*bows respectufully and takes stance*
WOOHOO! imnot, 20 bucks on GL, she does not lose! Cept to me, but that's why we don't fight
AWESOME SMILEY! All I got are these boring one
Welcome, General!
Hello Seargent!
So did you decide on my rank, Brian?
(Brigadier General would be nice)
Nope you're a Lt. Colonel.