Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Because my high ranked officers ae supporting the other ones well I'm ready
(Gets ready to fight and a waits an attack)
$100 on GIVElove
*jumps up in the air while blasting you with air knocking you to the ground*
*me langing on the other side of the erena*
(Flips off a wall saftly)
Hmm this will end quickly Aruggh!! (puts firebending in feet shooting myself like a rocket and hits Love damaging her)
*rolls across the ground from the impact of your attack and jumps into a standing position*
*slams air down from the ceiling crushing you to the floor*
*while you are still down swipes an air slice at you leaving a large gash in your back*
Well well I had to succumb to this be prepared Love (Makes movements for a lightning charage and prepares to fire)