Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
animekitsune? she hasnt been on in a long time... but she should be proud!!!!
but grrrrr where has brian gotten to??? he hasnt been on in forever...(it seems)
and we never got to finish our agni kai dammit!!!
but??once school starts no one will be able to get on as much....??
finally!!! i just got back from starbucks and i am pumped!!!!
*bows respectfully and gets in stance*
*begins small with an almost taunting wave of air that trips you*
*and gets ready to dodge the angery fire blast that i just asked for*
I shaking I'm so excited! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
*jumps up in the air dodging the fire then answers with a strong lash of air that??leaves a gash??on the side of your face*
OOOOOH! Nice one!