finale episodes i thought it was good but not great 8/10, maybe its because I have had to wait so long, and in waiting my mind formulated certain scenarios.
i thought i was going to get to see iroh really kick some butt, not just have small cameos... they spent so much time developing his rebirth as fighter when he was imprisoned... and then kept him elusive for abit, i would had loved to see him, in the way he was portrayed when he escaped from prison... ripped and bad a$$. hands down my favorite character!!!
very happy with zuko and azula's fight, and azula's character portrayal... very clever, much better than i ever dreamed... "you rule by fear, eventually you will live in fear and it will drive you insane"
toph didn't do much.... kinda faded away...
katara/sokka, as i expected. but did not understand how azula could not get out of those chains or melt the water around her. wasn't that done in the past?
avatar vs firelord..... was amazing... fight was long and ang really showed his power, but the firelord besides having some nice moves... i really never saw him in a special way, he did not strike fear... he was just a man. battles between combustion man were just as intense i think. i never got the feeling the firelord had overwhelming power.
i am going to miss this series... and miss iroh. my favorite episode still remains season 1 finale epic