My favorite is Iroh he is more badass than zuko and less angst. He is funny without being wise guy dumbass like Sokka. He has lots of knowledge. Plus he's a total pimp and the only non virgin in the main cast.
I dislike Toph because her attitude and her disrespect towards Aang and Sokka. She has a bithchy attitude and treats her friends worst then Azula. She needs someone to beet the crap out of her.
I don't hate zuko but he's overated.
myelch! shnackoplfrandogobonaby! afgrnombwmbl!
grr . . .
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after the episode "the storm" aired and i watched "the southern air temple" again, when zhao said "you have the scar to prove it" oh man! i got so mad!
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after the episode "the storm" aired and i watched "the southern air temple" again, when zhao said "you have the scar to prove it" oh man! i got so mad!
Yeah, I did too! Grrrrrrr Zhao... (sorry Zhao fans! ^^' )
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