Hope and pray that what Tomtitan said is true. It could be a leak ...
I wouldn't be surprised. The Nick people are so... unintelligent... that they probably thought, "Hmm, the Avatar fandom is getting unto an uproar over our release of the book. Maybe we'll just give them their episodes all at once and make them happy."
Poor Mike and Bryan. They are the ones who truly got screwed over.
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The "Buy all episodes" option now costs the same as what buying each episode individually would, and an entire season would cost slightly less, right? It seems like iTunes is just taking advantage of the situation to make more money from Avatar-starved fans. It seems that if you hadn't bought the season pass, it is now too late and you have to pay full price to see the last few episodes of the season. But I think if you already had the season pass you should still be able to get future episodes, and if not then you need to contact iTunes and get it straightened out, because you bought the season under the impression that you would recieve every episode as soon as it was available.
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No guys, they don't have all of the episodes, it only goes up to Day of the Black Sun! I'm freaking out a little because I think iTunes thinks Day of the Black Sun is the last episode. Sorry I didn't specify that earlier... I re-edited my first post.
Edited on 05/11/2008 8:54am Edited 2 total times.
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