I have two!
Name: Momoto (it's based off my name)
Bending: Airbending
Hair: Long, sleek ponytail, floppy bangs
Eyes: Green-Grey
Disposition: Very friendly and curious, but she can be very rude when angry
Bio: An airbender, and before you shout Mary-Sue, please listen! She comes from the water tribe, and has never seen an air temple in her life. Her great great granfather was an airbender, but the gene was dormant until she was born. She's the only one to have airbending in her family since him. She ran away from home, and uses airbending in very different ways because she had to teach everything to herself. For example, she can fly without a glider.
Name: Nana
Bending: Fire
Hair: Blonde-Brown, goes over one eye
Eyes: Orange-Yellow
Disposition: Quiet, Angsty and Brutal, but kind to those who are nice to her
Bio: Born and raised in a very strict environment, Rika ran away from home as well, but more because of her natural habit of rebelling from anything forced upon her. That's why she dislikes fire nation - she was forced to worship everything they did. She joined up with a small rebelious group, who were prestigious at firbending, using extremely advanced and unique methods. She likes animals more than people, most often.
What do you think? Not very creative, but I based them on a used-to-be-friend and me.