first round is lasting 2 days(27th and 28th) where you vote for 3 of the listed candidates. After 2 days, the top five (but it might include more if some are tied for 5th) will go onto another vote also on said thread.
l = 1 vote
/ = 5
and x = 10
my votes are for 4nationfury, You tube and Dafoose
4Nationfury ll
isabelwhatx Xl
axrendale Xlll
dafoose X/l
kikithefiend lll
jackson5050 /
you tube /llll
gilavatar l
libraman92 l
ross93 ll
psychopass ll
Wiselad, chaospyro, avatarsensation, ross93, kiki, youtube, psychopass(1 vote pending), firelordzuko, friggingodess, libraman, isabelwhatx, EBR, Pablo, axrendale, jackson5050, alpha1niner, flutterlight, DDendong, speechless, extrafour, AangKatara
Edited 2 total times.