thank god for small miarcles! it seems that nickelodeon did have our best interests at heart. many of us have been sufferers of AWS. this is a sever addiction that results in many harmfull symptoms, such as; dangerously high adrenaline rush at the mention of potentiall avatar plots/spoilers, foaming mouth at the mention of foaming mouth guy, pedophilia at the mention of potential avatar romantic life, irratable bowls at the mention of yet anouther new spongebob eposode, lack of sleep/ADD@work from constant checking of for new info, plus many many more.
realizing a potential lawsuit of grave porportions nickelodeon wisely gave up on this toxic, malignant, form of entertainment. this blight on our existance that was AVATAR has been severed cold torkey from our eyes. sure it was hard at first. i tihnk i threw up a couple of times when i saw/heard portions of drake bell/that josh guy who was fat/iCarley actress girl's acting talent. but it was all for the best!! I AM CURED!! no longer will i sit enjoying myself with new episodes of avatar. OR enjoying the excitement of the anticipation of a new episode only a few short days away. OR the excitement of talking to my fellow avatards about crazy esoteric theories. OR the excitement of seeing amazing animation of a fantasticle new world whose detail and inventiveness has raised the bar for all animated shows, telling them not to scrap the lowest common denominator of animation.
this is a great new feeling. i suddenly have more time to enjoy other shows like reruns of west wing or veronica mars or dragonball. i'm free at last!! thank you nickelodeon!!! thank you so much!!