Aang: L0L,4V4T4R!!
Katara: Ice_Queen2578
Sokka: IHate____Today5
Toph: 1337_E47HB3ND3R
Zuko: 7H3_B1U3_SPIR7
Azula: Shock_Princess666
Ty Lee: Pink_Aura54
Mai: Just_Take_The_Bear9
Iroh: Iroh24523 (do u expect an old timer to understand the internet?)
You know, I wonde what the characters would say if they had internet access and used it constantly? What would gamer Aang or Sokka look like? Oh man, I think?? my AWS is back...
Edited on 06/04/2007 12:04am
Edited 2 total times.