Zuko didn't change sides at Crossroads of Destiny, which was a surprise for like 98% of the Avatards. Also he ended up being like his uncle Iroh instead of being a little emo kid he was.
Sokka getting a far more serious role in the plot and growing up to a true adult was also kind of a surprise after watching him be the ''funny guy'' for a long time. The few relationships also made his role a lot deeper and interesting to follow.
Katara was kind off predictable UNTILL the Southern Raiders episode in which she was unable to forgive (maybe she will be able to do so in a couple of years...). Being a revenge seeking character really surprised me, she became a far deeper character since that moment.
Combustion man. What is there to say about him? Actually a lot more then you would think. He was hired by Zuko to slay the Avatar, which he tried a couple of times. But after failing multiple times it became a personal goal for him to kill this kid and his friend for once and for all. At the end he didn't even care about the money, his reputation or even his own life. I think none of this would've expected that combustion man would turn out to be a regular human with emotions like all of us.
Which brings us to Aang. I can't remember Aang ever surprising me, hell, he even got the girl which he fell in love with in episode 101! He was raised like a monk, so it also didn't surprise me that he was unable to kill anyone. The only time he got close of surprising me, was the time at the desert in which he was furious at whoever stole or had Appa. Why didn't his behaviour surprise me? Cause at the end all he did was terrify a couple of people and hurt (probably not even kill) some giant bug. We allready saw him do the angry mean glowing thing at the air temple when he found out that Monk Giatsu got killed, so even that wasn't anything new.
So there you go! I vote for Aang, but that's just my personal view on things ofcourse! 
Edited on 07/28/2008 3:01am