Chin the conqueror was also a threat to the balance of the world.
Ozai was too.
who do you think would win?
both of them were a formidable foe to the avatar.
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Chin the conqueror was also a threat to the balance of the world.
Ozai was too.
who do you think would win?
both of them were a formidable foe to the avatar.
I'd have to go with Ozai. He just has that main factor as sadistic dictator that Chin didn't had. Ozai was pretty much one sick S.O.B. Besides, I don't think they shown much about Chin's power to get my vote.
FireLordZuko93 wrote: |
I would think Ozai. Chin didn't as far as Ozai in conquering the world. |
Axrendale wrote: |
It should be noted that as far as we could see, Chin only wanted control of the Earth Kingdom. He wasn't particularly interested in the other nations, and so wasn't as much of a threat to the world as Ozai and the Firenation (who to their credo had to deal with conquering the Air Nomads and the Water Tribes in addition to the Earth Kingdom). That's probably why Kyoshi didn't stop him permanently until he was almost done - her job was to keep balance between the nations, dealing with one of the nation's internal squabbles took secondary importance. |
But anyway, I refuse on principle to even consider the notion that anyone short of the main hero is capable of beating Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill voices Ozai), so I have to say that Chin would lose, badly. All Ozai would have to do is hurl a lightning bolt similar to the one he shot at Zuko at him, and that would be that. Chin the Great would be Chin the Dead.
KingofSpades209 wrote: |
It seems that Ozai wouldn't stand next to a cliff that is falling, so I voted for Ozai. |
Like ddendong said Ozai didnt FULLY conqueror the Earth Kingdom
there were always some rebellion groups.
its because they hated how ozai ruled and treated them
i guess Chin treated them well.
ofcourse bryke didnt really explain clearly
It's kind of hard to say how good Chin's control over his conquered territory was. We saw that he was a brutal tyrant, and we know that after his death his empire collapsed completely. For all we know, the entire Earth Kingdom was on the brink of outright rebellion against him when he conveniently died. Also, Chin and his soldiers were Earth Benders, and as such had an advantage that the Fire Nation didn't right from the start - obstacles that would trouble the Fire nation for decades like the walls of Ba Sing Se would have been no challenge at all for Chin. I have a feeling that if he had tried to attack the Air Nomads, the Water Tribes, or the Fire nation, he wouldn't have had nearly as much success as the Fire Nation did.
So for me, Ozai and the Fire Nation are the clear winners.