If you look really closely, the animators are developing the characters as they get older.?? At first in the series, Aang looked to be around??2 1/2??inches shorter than Katara, who looked around 5'2".?? Now, if you look at them side by side, he seems only an inch shorter than her, and she seems to have gotten to around 5'3" or 5'4".?? Also, Aang, if you look when he is Waterbending, has developed more muscle structure, and Katara's face has matured in shape.?? Anybody else see all these things??
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Chalked what up???? Oh, yeah, I like the backgrounds too.?? But what do you think about what I said above??
I was responding to what you said first, you just beat me to posting what I thought. That's why I actually quoted you this time and not just tried to save space.
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I am agreeing with you. But I have also noticed that the art has rapidly improved between episodes, and I was saying that the reason I had thought they looked different was from better drawing.
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