I got this info off of the Avatar: Master of Elements card game by UpperDeck.?? They could be new characters or just made up for the game.?? Do you think these characters could play in to the plot in the 3rd book?
Afiko the Betrayer
When the monks of the Southern Air Temple revealed that Aang was to be the next Avatar, another Airbender named Afiko was consumed with rage.?? Jealous of Aang, Afiko betrayed the monks to the Fire Nation and the Southern Air Temple was ransacked just a little too late to catch the Avatar, though.?? Afiko helped the Fire nakion destroy the rest of the Airbenders, and remained the Fire Lords trusted advisor for many, many long years.?? Afiko died years ago before Aang returned to ruin all his hard work.
Kinto the Waterbender
A waterbender from the Morthern Water Tribe, Kinto is an incorrigible prankster, who can't resist pulling ptactical jokes on even his closest, most trusting friends.?? That may be why Kinko can't seem to stay in place for very long.?? Though he says it's becuase he want's to see the entire world.
Malu, The Ghost Witch
For many uears after the Fire Nation first attacked, Malu, the Ghost Witch of the Mountain, was a legend in the Earth Nation: a mysterious, beautiful woman who could appear at will, and who commanded the spirits to do her bidding.?? In reality, Malu was an Airbender, hidden away in a mountain cave by her mother to escape the destruction of the Eastern Air Temple by the Fire Nation.?? She lived alone for many years, and no one knows what became of her.?? Many believe she still haunts the mountain passes.
Jojo the Kissing Bandit
Jojo the Kissing Bandit, is a celebrity in the Earth Nation: a cunning young lady Earthbender who robs from the rich, gives to the poor, and leaves her make victims with a big, red, lipstick covered kiss to remember her by.?? Jojo never robs anyone completely, and takes care not to hurt anyone, so the authorities aren't too concerned about catching her.?? (In fact, many of them daydream of being robbed by her, too!) Lately, Jojo has been seeing the Fire Nations wanted posters for Aang, the Avatar, and she's decided than Aang has the kind of face a young lady could fall in love with...