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Nickelodeon (ended 2008)

Best\Closest Boiling rock recap

  • Avatar of WiseLad


    [21]Apr 18, 2008
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    Zuko tells the gaang about the "boiling rock" and how there most of the "main prisoners" are taken-

    Sokka than thinks "maybe Suki is there-

    he tries to sneak off, as he "dresses yet again as a fire nation citizen" but Zuko sees him, and goes behind him trying to talk him out of it. but Sokka convinces him to go there

    there Sokka finds Suki, and are able to start a riot

    Azula, Mai and Ty lee go there as Azula wants to see "her favorite prisoner" and find that the riot started, and they join the fight

    Mai and Azula fight sokka and zuko while Suki fights Ty lee

    "End of BR 314"

    I think Sokka is somehow able to escape, "Maybe Suki too", but the FN angels are able to get Zuko; and on BR 315 Mai talks to Zuko(the panel shown in SDCC); Sokka gets back to WAT, and the whole gaang comes back to rescue Zuko, but mysteriously when they get there, Zuko has already being able to escape, and the gaang gets out from BR

    "END of BR 315"
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  • Avatar of Blaster33456


    [22]Apr 18, 2008
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    Boiling Rock Recap:

    Iroh comes with the White Lotus and throws a rock at the prison which then starts to go on fire and then KaBOOM!!!

    .... Yeah...better to just wait on the episode.
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  • Avatar of daveshanFromGMU


    [23]Apr 18, 2008
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    The prison has only one guard. That guard is Chuck Norris. The Gaang is killed in less than an instant by his combination of the six elements: Fire, water, earth, air, Chuck Norris's beard, and the fist that is underneith Chuck Norris's beard.

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  • Avatar of DeeDuck33


    [24]Apr 18, 2008
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    SplitReflection: Good, he was a waste of space.
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  • Avatar of Herbert0


    [25]Apr 18, 2008
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    1. Waterbender shows up and Katara says "Water"

    2. An earthbender will show up and Katara will say "Earth"

    3. A firebender shows up and Katara will say "Fire"

    4. An Airebender shows up and Katara says "Air"

    5. Katara will then summarize the beginning and Aang will look over a cliff.

    6. Roku will then say Previously on Avatar and summarizes some stuff

    7. Then a white screen will appear says the Book, Chapter, and Chapter Title.

    8. ?????????????????????????????????????

    9. Credits roll. Yup.

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  • Avatar of Mapletree46


    [26]Apr 18, 2008
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    its a filler
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  • Avatar of Zhaguar_


    [27]Apr 19, 2008
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    WEll it begins with zuko and aang and zuko practising fiorebending. While aang is meditationg he cant stop tinking of the people in captivity and while lying down sokka cant stop thinking of suki. thatnight they both ask to rescue them. zuko tells them of a prsion and tehy go. Sokka dresses up as a frienation guy tofree the,. AS threydepart on appa a woman is seen behind them. Sokka manages to sneak in the back whil e the rest of teh gagn froms a distraction. Azula takes on katara adn mai tries to attack zuko with tylee against aand. Sokka manages to fdree suki after she mistakes him for a gaurd. SHE has been practrising kyoshi warror moves. She and sokka go to teh top where ty lee attacks her she holds her own and a cool montauge occurs of her against tylee tot eh song harder better faster stronger by daft punk. Zuko tyakers on azula and theyre even and the montage is stioll going and firs is exploading evrywhere like a boms. Then azula gets hit frm ebhind . She fight sursa while the others escape.

    YAY DAFT PUNK -if this doesnt happen im ganna make an AMV of it happening

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  • Avatar of SgtHydra


    [28]Apr 19, 2008
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    Zhaguar_ wrote:


    WEll it begins with zuko and aang and zuko practising fiorebending. While aang is meditationg he cant stop tinking of the people in captivity and while lying down sokka cant stop thinking of suki. thatnight they both ask to rescue them. zuko tells them of a prsion and tehy go. Sokka dresses up as a frienation guy tofree the,. AS threydepart on appa a woman is seen behind them. Sokka manages to sneak in the back whil e the rest of teh gagn froms a distraction. Azula takes on katara adn mai tries to attack zuko with tylee against aand. Sokka manages to fdree suki after she mistakes him for a gaurd. SHE has been practrising kyoshi warror moves. She and sokka go to teh top where ty lee attacks her she holds her own and a cool montauge occurs of her against tylee tot eh song harder better faster stronger by daft punk. Zuko tyakers on azula and theyre even and the montage is stioll going and firs is exploading evrywhere like a boms. Then azula gets hit frm ebhind . She fight sursa while the others escape.

    YAY DAFT PUNK -if this doesnt happen im ganna make an AMV of it happening

    Daft Punk ftw.

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