zimtower wrote: | ||
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
zimtower wrote: | ||
zimtower wrote: | ||
omg350 wrote: | ||||
PsychoPass wrote: | ||||||
There should be a "combine characters heads and bodies" or what ever that is called, thread. |
RR4RogueRaven wrote: | ||||||||
RR4RogueRaven wrote: | ||||||||
And Azula's attitude.
Good Lord! The hotness would make Sozin's Comet and the planet explode!
xRamensx wrote: | ||||||||||
And Azula's attitude. Good Lord! The hotness would make Sozin's Comet and the planet explode! |
xRamensx wrote: | ||||||||||
And Azula's attitude. Good Lord! The hotness would make Sozin's Comet and the planet explode! |
Appa-Is awesome, I love his "arrow"
Katara- I think she lookes better in season three
Suki-In my opinoin she looks the best, even in her prison clothes
xRamensx wrote: | ||||||||||
And Azula's attitude. Good Lord! The hotness would make Sozin's Comet and the planet explode! |
She can wear Katara's fire nation outfit. I'd be all over that... if I were a lesbian. Wait... can she keep Mai's sense of humor combined by Azula's psychoness? I want to see a Dr. House kind of humor. Cruel, yet funny.
Shaolina23 wrote: | ||||||||||||
She can wear Katara's fire nation outfit. I'd be all over that... if I were a lesbian. Wait... can she keep Mai's sense of humor combined by Azula's psychoness? I want to see a Dr. House kind of humor. Cruel, yet funny. |
What was that? Oh, I think the universe just exploded.
It's ok, I totally have a gay crush on Azula, and I'm not even gay XD