I looked through the directory and didn't see any threads about this topic. However, if I overlooked it, please point me to the correct thread and I'll move my discussion there.
What seems to be forgotten, is in the first season during the end of "The Northern Air Temple" the fire nation reclaimed the downed hot air balloon. The fire nation soldiers seemed??not to??have trouble getting it??afloat.??Also, the design didn't??look like it would be too hard for them to duplicate. So, I have been wondering since the gang got to Ba Sing??Se, how come we haven't seen a Fire Nation force of balloons floating over the walls. If nothing else, just a couple of balloons at night??to??drop??off thugs, saboteurs, spies, or any other type of trouble maker you could think up.
Anyway, just wondering if anyone else had any thoughts on this subject.
Thanks taking the time to read and respond.