The way I see it there are??4 possible outcomes. Now I think we all know the Kyoshi warriors will not beat Azula.
1) The Kyoshi warriors are captured
2) The Kyoshi warriors are killed (we don't see it, we hear about it later via some sort of messenger, possibly Azula during a confrontation)
3) Suki is captured to use as bait, some Kyoshi warriors escape/are allowed to live to tell Aang what happened.
4) Suki dies and some Kyoshi warriors escape/are allowed to live to tell Aang.
Note I don't think they could all pull off an escape, Azula being the perfectionist she is.
I hope the Kyoshi warriors be okay, but I am a "plan for the worst" kind of person.
Edited on 11/14/2006 4:14pm