If Azula like Aang it would explain why she always traps him and walks up to him slowly rather than just finish him off. If Aang like Azula then that would explain why he LETs himself get trapped by Azula so she can walk up to him slowly rather than just finish him off.
Oh, what if Wolverine fought Zuko?
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What if...Homer Simpson was Aang What if...Marge was Katara What if...Bart was Sokka What if...Lisa was Toph What if...Grandpa Simpson was Monk Gyatso What if...Mr.Burns was Zuko What if...Darth Vader was Fire Lord Ozai What if...Luke Skywalker was Jet What if...I was actually mental
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what if sokka didnt like meat? what if sokka wasnt the comic relief? what if katara didnt have her hair loopies? what if toph was sexy... like red hot sexy??? hotter than zuko & katara combined times 6?
i wanna know how ya think... so qoute and reply!
lol if sokka didnt eat meat then i just think the world would end and i would love to see Toph super sexy :] if sokka wasnt a comic relief then i dont think i would like him much
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What if the guy who teaches Aang firebending??is really Katara's long lost twin brother Who, because of mystical tattos was able?? to bend fire. Grinoth said to be creative.(Seems more plausible than Zuko teaching him anyhow)
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I woke up at midday and found this awesome game... dun dun dun! SINKING INTO FORUM OBLIVION! I...MUST...BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo thats better
What if Azula had Ty Lee's demeanor?
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