Oh my God, not again! I am so sick and tired of these things. Face it the creators are different, as a result, the characters??? power levels are different as well. When the show starts out, the creators tweak the characters??? powers and abilities to match the obtstacles presented in the show and stuff. For God???s sake, what would happen if we put Alphose against Goku? Nuff said. For another example, some fans would say that the characters on W.I.T.C.H. (I???m usin it as an example gimme a break) are considerably less powerful than they are in the manga that they???re based on, while others would say that Raven from Teen Titans (the show) has different powers than she had in the comic book character she was based on (the comic???). Why? Because even though some shows are more similar another show that???s out than other, overall they???re different from each other. That???s why u it isn???t really a good idea to put them in matches against each other. In my opinion anyway. In fact as long as its used for pure fun and not just another outlet for bashing against a show that u may not particularly care 4 (???.), ??I say go 4 it.
For example (hears what u should be readin): It a close draw in the match between Aang and Edward. Most of what Ed transmutes comes out of the ground while Aang is able to fly and hover. Leading him in2 a false sense of security, Ed manages 2 suddenly transmute a giant fist 2 pop out of the ceiling above Aang (they in a dungeon or whatever, kinda like those Labs, it made of stone) slamming him into the ground. Aang is shaken but not stirred (couldn???t help it ), 4 he was able to created 2 air cushions, one above him and on the ground below him. While 1 absorbed the impact of the blow, the other cushioned his fall (not makin this up???well okay I am but he does this a lot in the series, almost as much as Ed claps his hands ). Still he???s down. Ed smirks and comes in 4 the finishing blow, when suddenly Aang goes in2 Avatar State (yeah, yeah we all saw it comin). Ed is at first taken aback by Aang???s suddenly glowing eyes and tattoos but quickly shrugs it off as a bluff. He transmutes his arm blade (...or blade arm) and rushes at Avatar Aang, only 2 be stopped by a sudden blast of flame. Realizing that this kid???s serious and it isn???t a good idea 2 get close, Ed claps his hands and transmutes a cage 2 appear under and envelope Aang. With a simple earthbending move, Aang reduces the cage 2 sand (insert Ed???s ticked off anime effect here ).??Who then uses alchemy 2 throw the sand in2 the air, giving him a chance to rush at Aangs once more. In less than a split second, Aang instinctively sees through the deception, parts the cloud with some airbending, and utilizing his waterbending skills, freezes Ed???s arm in mid-flight. Still rushing at him, Ed thrusts his blade in2 Aang (can???t remember whether this is a fight 2 the death or not). All he to do is hold out his hand, and the frozen limb shatters in2 pieces with one touch. Without his arm or any nearby transmutation circles, Ed is a little more than utterly defenseless??? yeah like that's gonna??stop him . Confident he can still take him down with a few of his kickass martial art moves and maybe a punch or 2, Ed leap in2 the air 2 deliver a roundhouse move (complete with slow-mo spinning). Yeah, maybe it not a good idea 2 do something like that when fighting an Airbender. With just one open-handed move, Avatar Aang pushes Ed back hundreds of feet. Eds slams in2 the stone wall and is out cold. With one last earthbending move, Aang sinks Eds in2 the ground up 2 his neck, dismissing any chance of a comeback. The match goes to Avatar Aang (hm, guess it wasn't). Assuming of course that Aang is able 2 revert back to normal once the fight is over and that Ed was fighting with his auto-mail arm at the time and wasn???t wearing special transmutation circle gloves. But what if he was?
Glad I let that all out. C this is y I try not 2 get pulled in2 this things. "I try 2 get out, but they keep pullin' me back in." If u know enough about the show, u can twist it enough 2 make even the weakest character win. Though u gotta admit this is pretty close 2 what would have happened. Or maybe Ed would have won, who knows, who really cares. I gotta admit, it was kindof fun.?? And I hope that that was sincerely the point of this thread. ???U know I wouldn???t even put the Homoculi in there because we all know that they can only be killed using the remainders of the person that was originally supposed to be brought back 2 life through alchemy. I know it isn???t as close as it would be 2 the Avatar characters you???re goin 4 (Azula and Lust? Nice. ) but its not like there aren???t plenty of characters in the FMA universe that are as capable of fighters. Maybe not as capable, but still capable. Oh and saying something like ???Aang is more powerful so he???ll win easy??? just ain???t gonna cut it. I???m not saying all your descriptions should be as long as this (plz don???t be ) but it would nice to give specific and accurate details as 2 who should be the true winner of a dual and why. Seriously, give us something 2 go??on 4??Christ's sake.??If so, then maybe these things do deserve a place on these forums.
* Oh and pittin??? Al against Sokka? Dude, that???s just heartless. Heartless man! ...yeah.
Edited on 08/09/2006 6:50am