Well if you didnt know already, the cover for the fourth volume of the third book of avatar (shown below ... the best cover ever) is set to come out on July 29th (my birthday weirdly enough)
This will include the last 4 installments of Avatar as posted by TVShows on DVD
SPOILER BELOW (tread at your own risk):
FOR SOME REASON I CANT GET THE SPOILER TAGS TO WORK ! gives me some dumb html error abotu valid tags
[spoiler] This is quote from TVShowsOnDVD.com which states:
"The kids return to the Fire Nation and prepare for their final confrontation with Firelord Ozai, but they discover that the Firelord has plans of his own: he has ordained himself Phoenix Lord and appointed Princess Azula as the next Firelord. In the spectacular 4-part finale of Avatar Book 3: Fire, Aang fulfills his destiny as Avatar and confronts the Firelord in the greatest battle of the series."
Pheonix Lord FTW[spoiler]
So i guess this means that third book and thus this story of Avatar will be done by July 29th.
Edited 2 total times.