1.0 - Introduction
Ok, face it folks, it's been a long time since we've had an episode eliminator. Not to mention, we have plenty of new episodes to go along with now. So, its time for that special time, in which we find out what is the best episode of Avatar based on the opinions of hardcore fans, and which ones should be left off of the DVDs.
2.0 - Rules
Rule time!
1. Ok, starting off, this will all go into rounds.
2. Each round will have competitions of TWO episodes. The winner will move onto the next round, eliminating the losers.
3. These episodes are chosen to compete with each other, based on a randomization that I will have already performed using this number randomizer here.
4.Each round, however, has its own set of rules.
5. After one competition is over, immediately begin another, even if I am not on at the time.
7. If a new episode is aired during this game (anywhere in the world), it WILL NOT be added.
8. You are allowed to vote only ONCE A DAY. (Thanks to High00Lord for this one)
2.1 - Round 1 Rules
1. First Elimination round.
2. Based on the randomization, two episodes will compete against each other for the win
3. The first episode to 20 VOTES will win that one.
4. After all of the competitions have taken place, there will be 26 episodes left, thus bringing us to round 2
2.2 - Round 2 Rules
1. Second Elimination Round
2. Based on the randomization, two episodes will compete against each other for the win.
3. The first episodes to 25 VOTES will win that competition.
4. After all of the competitions have taken place, there will be 13 episodes left.
5. As you may have guessed, 13 is an odd number, and thus cannot be split up into equal competitions. That is why, we will take a vote from all of the winners for Round 2 to see which one should be eliminated. The first episode to 5 votes gets the boot.
6. After this elimination has taken place, there will be 12 episodes left.
2.3 - Round3 Rules (current round)
1. Third Elimination Round.
2. Based on randomization, two episodes will compete against each other for the win.
3. The first episode to 30 VOTES wins that competition.
4. After all of the competitions have taken place, there will be 6 episodes left.
2.4 - Round 4 (Semi-Finals)Rules
1. Fourth elimination round
2. Based on randomization, two episodes will compete against each other for the win.
3. The first episode to 35 VOTES wins that competition
4. After all of the competitions have taken place, there will be 3 episodes left.
5. These 3 episode move onto the final round (rules below)
2.5 - Round 5 (Finals) Rules
1. Fifth elimination round
2. These 3 episodes will compete against each other, in a 3 episodes " free-for-all," meaning that they will all be voted upon.
3. The first episode to 50 VOTES wins that competition, this round, and THE ENTIRE GAME!
4. This episode will be further honored as the greatest Avatar episode.
2.6 - After the Game is Over Rules
1. After this game is over, this thread will either be locked or it will become a discussion on you favorite episodes.
3. Whatever happens will be in the hands of High00Lord
3.0 - Competition Board For the Current Round (Final Round as of now)
[keep in mind, these are totally random, even though some seem like they are not!]
[X] = done
Second Place Face - Off
The Crossroads of Destiny vs. The Day of Black Sun Part 2: The Eclipse
3.1 - Winners In This Round
1. The Seige of the North Part 2
4.0 - Conclusion
Well, I hope we can all enjoy this thread, as it will be a good place to express opinions, and see which episodes is truly FTW! Hope you all enjoy, and thanks to everyone who made this possible!
Edited 62 total times.