From the pinned thread stating the rules, see section 2 under the heading 'AMENDMENTS'
pooldude256 wrote: | Forum Posting:
If you are new to our forum, welcome! The Avatar: The Last Airbender guide is one of the most popular on, as is this show forum. However, there are a few things I would like to bring to your attention before posting:
- Please read the Terms of Service to see what is acceptable in posts/threads and what is not. The TOS will be enforced by myself (the local forum moderator), as well as the moderators.
- Off-topic threads are prohibited in this forum. This forum's sole purpose is for discussion of Avatar: The Last Airbender, and everything related to it. If you're looking for an Off-topc forum, see's Off-topic forum or visit other sites and use their off-topic boards.
- Keep it kid-appropriate. Avatar is a Y-7 rated show, and while it may have a large following among older individuals, it is not appropriate to post cuss words, etc. because kids often visit these forums, and most parents do not want their kids subject to that kind of stuff.
- Please use the "Directory of Threads on AVATAR FORUM" thread, which is pinned on the first page. This thread may be useful, as it lists most of the threads we have in the forum.
- Make note of the Pinned threads. There is a Relationship discussion thread to discuss any relationship between any characters in the show, there is a thread to discuss the most recent episode (usually, unless there's a really long break), there is an "Ask a Question, Get an Answer" thread where you can find answers to common questions you may have about the show (such as "What do the s on Aang's body mean?," etc.), and there is also a "Spoilers of Future Episodes" thread where you can share and find of spoilers for future episodes. If the subject of your potential thread may fit into any of those, please save the space and bandwidth from creating a new thread and just add a post in the existing thread.
- No Character Sucks threads. Such as "Sokka Sucks!!!". Not even Azula
- Per the wishes of the staff, no screenshot or picture threads will be permitted in this forum. One screenshot per post on a topical thread is ok as long as it relates to the topic. Try to keep screenshots to a minimum though. (Added 12/30/06)
- Fanfics should not be posted here. As one user stated "This is, not" This forum is to be used for discussion of Avatar the TV show, not fictional works created by fans. Fanart threads/links are permitted (but everyone should not create their own fanart thread, one could be created for all to show off their work in). But fanfiction should not exist here in any form, as more times than not fanfiction has little to nothing to do with the show and is just baseless fan theory. Even if your fanfic does have some relation to the show, please don't post it here. (Added 12/30/06)
- If an existing thread for a game already exists, a new thread for the same game should not be created unless approved by the Mod (yours truly). Inactivity is not a valid reason for wanting to start a game over on a new thread, because a game could just as easily be started again using the same thread. (Added 12/30/06)
- If you spot a repeat thread, do not post "This is a DUPLICATE!" or any similar messages in the thread. If another thread already is discussing a topic, please politely PM me the link to the thread and I will take care of it. And please refrain from calling new users names, as it just gives and these forums a bad reputation and less people will want to visit this site. Please be respectful of other users. (Added 02/13/07)
- Please do not create threads for the purpose of asking personal questions. This includes phone numbers, addresses, ages, etc. These threads aren't related to Avatar and are also suspicious. If you're trying to do a study on typical Avatar fans, PM me and ask if it's all right. If you want to write about yourself, use the "About Me" section on your profile or write a blog. Remember that writing personal information on the internet can be dangerous. [Added 4/1/08]
- Threads and/or posts found violating the TOS or any of these other rules will now be reported to the staff and they will take proper actions. (Added 02/13/07)
Thank you for reading through all this, and please follow these guidelines, as it took me a while to compile them all. Please help keep the Avatar forum one of the most active, yet clean and non-repetitive, forums on! Thanks again! |