Van (Qiang)
Van's attempt to ditch the previously nameless, Waterbender in a small town falls flat as she follows him. Van didn't know anything about the girl beyond look and bending status, until she drew the words "Lyra", "Ba Sing Se", and "Indra" in the ground. Just as Van is wrapping his head around this new development...
I blinked. This whole time the girl could speak? What next? Is she going to suddenly sprout into a full grown woman?That wouldn't be half bad actually....
Since she's feeling chatty, time to ask the dumb question: "Lyra is your name?"
She didn't say anything. She just stared at the ground, as she sat on her haunches in a near fetal position. But, I did notice a slight, very slight nod of the head.
"And Indra is your sister?"
She just sat in silence again. And again she nodded.
"She's in Ba Sing Se?"
I couldn't pick up anything that could count as an answer from her. Unless I'm supposed to count that slow shifting of her shoulder as a shrug.
"So, you're looking for your sister, she might be in Ba Sing se, but she might not be?"
She folded her little arms over her little knees and rested her little head on them. The look on her face, or her eyes rather, surprisingly soft and vulnerable But, otherwise she gave no answer. I sighed. She was annoying the crap out of me with her all over the place answering methods, but at the same time it's hard to stay mad at a girl who was clearly upset. So, after that bit of high intellectual Q and A what have I learned?
I stumbled on a lost little girl trying to find her big sister.
Great, just great. This is the last thing I need.
The wind blew and a slight chill went up my spine. I headed back for the fire, I turned back to Lyra. She withdrew slightly into her curled up little ball. Those tattered rags wouldn't do much even in the cool, night. "Come on, kid-I mean Lyra, warm yourself up and have a bite to eat." She didn't move. "Hey, Lyra." I called out to her. I groaned and trudged back over. I was ready to nudge her with my foot when I heard the tiny snores.
I chuckled. Of course she's asleep. That was a long distance for such tiny legs to go, it's amazing she was able to stay conscious long enough to do anything coherent. I picked her up, and noticed she was just as light as she looked. Another breeze blew off the river and I felt another chill. I regretted not having my blanket. That was still on my old ostrich horse back in the desert. I sighed and took off my shirt and wrapped it around her. And as thanks, the wind blew again. Much harder than the last time.
I clutched my bare arms and got as close to the fire as I could without jumping right into the damn thing. "Oh, yeah, thanks for that!" I called out to no one in particular.
After a long and brutal night, I woke up to a muggy mourning, and a green scaley thing with big fangs sitting on my leg. I yawned and-
Wait. Green scaley thing with big fangs?
I tried to shout something like "Ah!" but all that came out of my suddenly sore throat was a weak whimper. The sun got into my eyes and I couldnt' see. I shook the thing off and fumbled blindly for my spear. I heard a hiss. Oh crap, the damn thing was still on my leg. And all my hand found was a soggy sand. I finally managed to open my eyes all the way just in time to see it the hideous insect bare its fangs. I was too damn disoriented to even realize the danger I was in. Spider snake venom was nasty and often fatal. And it reared back, ready to strike.
I weakly threw up my arms, vaguely hoping that a bite to the arm would take a little longer to kill me than one to the face. Adrenaline flooding the system seconds after awaking tends to just screw up thought processes, because this whole time, at the back of my mind, I was thinking about what I was going to have with the dried pig-chicken meat for breakfast.
While I was busy planning what I was going to have for breakfast, the thing on my lap shrieked. It dropped then slid limply off my leg. I took my hands away and opened my eyes, without the burning Sun blinding me too much.
It took a few seconds for me to register it all. The very dead spider-snake. The ice pike sticking through it's carapace. The two other, smaller spider-snakes that scurried into the brush. One of them had someone gotten my pig-chicken jerky (Damnit, I love pig-chicken jerky). And Lyra standing a few feet away from me.
Strange how in all this, Lyra was what got an actual real reaction of fear out of me. Though I guess I shouldn't consider it strange anymore.
I finally composed myself and got off the ground. The fire had died down to a smolder. The chilly night met with a warm mourning and everything was covered with dew. And my throat hurt. I started to say something, but sound up coughing up phlegm. Crap, I think i just caught a cold. And she doesn't look any worse for wear. I suppose that should be a good thing. Hell, I should be grateful. She just saved me a nasty bite. A few men in my regiment got bite by spider-snakes. If it doesn't kill you, parts of your body will start to turn black and you smell like rotting meat. Really, that's what wind up happening. And for the 2nd time, she's saved me.
Yet, I still find myself...more and more uncomfortable about the idea of someone half my size saving me. I'm not her guardian, but that's more or less how it should be. Bad bug shows up, I'm supposed to swat it. If someone was keeping a tally on manliness points, I'd be in the negative. I'm going to have to kick a bunch of ass to even break even.
Given my ability to think right then, I figured I was woken up enough. Just to make sure I looked around to see if Lyra had caught us some breakfast first. She hadn't. There's some manliness points I've retained.The river looks like it's teaming with fish. Should be able to catch on or two and fix up something edible. We'd need plenty of food induced energy. I don't plan on stopping until I can see the walls this time, so I've got a lot of ground to cover.
There was a splash of water behind me. I turned in time to see a good sized fish plop out of the air and flop on the ground. Just like the other times, if the girl moved. It happened just before I saw it. Well, damn.
Point of Manliness: Catching breakfast.
I'd better hurry and either catch another or cook this thing before I'm categorically turned into a girl.
Note: Yeah, uneventful and filler-esque post. Meh, I was bored. More plot related events coming up. Possibly Indra related too!