C1991 wrote: | ||||
*pretends to know what a claymore is* anyways... 15 years old brown/red eyes and hair (depending on mood) |

Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
C1991 wrote: | ||||
*pretends to know what a claymore is* anyways... 15 years old brown/red eyes and hair (depending on mood) |
confucioussayhi wrote: | ||||||
![]() |
TheGreatAvatar wrote: |
uhmm..i havent even started season 3...but my characters gonna have to lay down low for a while cuz im not gunna be posting for him anytime soon...just letinu no |
im gonna post a profile for a character in mine thats gonna have an active role on the one im currently writing
name: sako
age: 16
height: 6'2
weight: 170
hair/eyes: brown
bending: fire
skills: basic firebending, eye axe (similar to what ancient egyptians had) and a bowie knife
history: his mother died during his brothers birth when he was 2. his father had to serve the firenation in the invasion of the earth kingdom when he was 8 so he had to raise his brother on his own. later when he was 14, he and his brother joined the army in hopes they would fight with their father. their hopes were dimminished when their father was killed by friendly fire. although pained by this they continued to serve. their first battle was by all accounts a suicide mission where they were used to distract the earth army so the other battalion would finnish them off. ssako and his brother were the only ones left alive. after seeing the betrayl of the firenation, they fled and established the anti-firenation terrorist unit called the Iron Fist to punnish the firenation for what they had done.
and now to continue my story(around the time of the chase in the series)
Brimstone(Xiou) firebender
after riding for 2 days from Mt. Niatnuom on the way to Ba Sing Se, i arrived at a small city called Kan Dak Har. i thought it would be a good place to settle down for a couple days to stock up on supplies untill i saw the firenation flag waving over one of the buildings. i looked at my map to see if there was any other settlement nearby, but saw nothing.
"guess i gotta go in" i said to myself
fortunately i had little trouble getting in because there were only a couple soldiers there and they didnt seem to care about one refugee.
once inside the city, i proceded to go to the nearest bar for a much needed drink. for some reason, i had the distinct feeling of being followed. i shrugged it off. no one knows me here.
i walked into a bar and something caught my eye on the menu: cactus juice.
"you guys have cactus juice" i asked the bartender
"sure. wattered down though, but it still feels great"
"ill have it"
"ill take one too" a guy a few years younger than me said as he sat next to me\
"my names Sako" he said
"you got a name?"
i sighed, not wanting a repeat of what happened at the last place i went "Xiou"
"nice to meet you"
he looked down at my sword as i was drinking my cactus juice
"your firenation, huh?"
"ah, so your a deserter, dont worry, i am too"
"good for you"
"if your finnished with that crazy juice, you could come over to my place for a cup of tea"
i dont know if it was the cactus juice kicking in or what, so i decided to go with him.
sako lived towards the outskirts of town in an old millhouse next to a creek.
"come on in, ill introduce you to the gang"
we walked in and i saw 4 people immedeatley get up and reach for their weapons.
"dont worry he's with me"
they all sit down and resume their 4 elements game.
he started naming them off "ok we got Somo, my kid brother, Indigo, my girlfriend, Yin, and Azar. all members of the Iron Fist"
'the terrorist gang"
"guess you could call it that"
"whyd you bring me here?"
"well, we dont like firenation, so??i brought you here to kill you"
with that he hurled a fire ball at me that knocked me out back. i got up and saw him charging at me. i countered with??several fire punches which he deflected and sent a stream of fire my way. i dodged and countered with my flame thrower attack. we continued to fight for several minites, neither of us losing ground. i decided i would have to go in for a close attack if i were??to finnish him, and i guess he thought the same for??the next thing i knew, we were standing in front of eachother with our hands in eachothers faces. he put down his arm.
"very good. your just as good as i am"
"what the hell do you mean?"
"you just passed the test, welcome to the??Iron Fist"
"you mean that was a??test?!!! thanks but no thanks, i dont want to get involved with a terrorist unit"
"why not, your a wanted??man, sooner or latter they'll catch you and hang you for betraying the??fire lord. the best thing to do is stick together"
"no thanks. i dont want to get involved"
"just sleep on it, and come back tomorrow. i promise i wont try to kill you this time"
i grabbed my bag and walked back to the bar/inn.
"do you think he'll join" Somo asked
"i know he will"
it was near nightfall, and i was exhausted. i stopped next to a wall and rested for a little bit. i looked up to see a picture of myself on a wanted poster. i looked up the road at the inn and back to??Sakos house and decided.
i knocked at the door and sako answered.
"im in"????
Darkboy 'D' (fire, water, earth, air) (between the gap of 7-8 months)
Red death had some complaining that i was way to easy on my training and said that i really shood improve my training i wondered where he had the guts for saying such thing to me but i realized that he was right so i increased my training adn ignoring the complains that i don't need to overreact.
(somewhere between the gap in the 7th month)
my firebending has improved a little, and waterbending with earthbending had improved alot but airbending was the one thing that improved the most and created a new technique i force air into my hands and made a fragile airshield around it protecting to innerside of the ball, the ball is supose to hit the target and do an enourmous damage to the enemy but even if the technique missed the captured air will blast open but only to damage the target very little ofcourse the bad thing of it that i only could do it 3 times and i needed alot of training to increase the number.(btw the color of the technique is grey)
(somewhere in the 8th month of the gap)
i sepperated from red death to travel further on my own but many villages and citys didn't like firebenders much so i went as an airbender from town to town and to village to village
(after the gap)
i am relaxing in a village now taking it easy again befor ethe next thoughts came to my head
'did you feel it i think the desteny emeralds are in danger' my spirit said
'yes i felt it furrball and it isn't my problem anymore pyro is back so he can take care of it speaking of him where is he i havn't got word of him for a while' i said to him
'don't ask me i don't even know where we are'he said
'if i am correct this is the village called Kan Dak Har its close to Ba-Sing-Se you know but still that hami crystal in the hands of those morons with a brain that doesn't even match a peanuts brain i'm slightly scared'i said as i walked into a bar when i overheard a following conversation
"my names Sako" the first one said
'hi" the other one replied
"you got a name?"
i heard him sigh befor answering??"Xiou"
'no way Xiou the deserter interesting' i thought
"nice to meet you" sako said, i noticed that he was staring at xiou sword
"what?"xiou said
"your firenation, huh?"sako asked
"ah, so your a deserter, dont worry, i am too"
"good for you"
'interesting 2 betrayers right here and not one of the easiest ones either sako a member of that terrorist gang and xiou a deserter that i still alive' i thought before paying for my tea
i walked back the the hotel where i had a room when the following message drawed my attention
'hmm intresting' i thought while looking at the reward for the winner when i saw the money i gave a low whistle but the next one maded my eyes widen 'WHAT THE... what is the hami crystal doing as a prize no matter what i'm leaving tommorow for Ba-Sing-Se to win that price, those archers are really brainless' i thought while ripping the paper from the wall and walking back to the hotel
Dak(White fire)
KILL HIM! "Shut up! I will!" I yelled at It. Spike. Bastard! Betrayer! I stared at the arrow pointed in my face and growled at him. Fire nation hitman, decieving dirt! I ducked and rolled as the bowstring twanged.
"Why!?" I yelled. "Becuase you had drive, you wanted out. I needed out. Simple as that.". I charged and he shot another arrow. I narrowly dodged it and slashed at him. He ducked and rammed his shoulder into my gut. I grabbed him around the middle and piled him into the ground.
He spun his foot around and tripped me, then brought his hand down at my face. The arrow missed my eye by inches. I palmed him quickly and rolled, getting ten feet in between us. Bad idea.
He shot two arrows this time, and one caught me in the shoulder. I yelled in pain and whipped a tendril of fire at him, slashing the ground and off-balancing his stance. He ran to my left and shot one the bomb arrow that I had saved him from. The explosion missed me entirely, but the splinters from the tree that exploded hit me in the back.
I fell to my knee and looked up. He had a smug smile on his face. I swiped the air and sent a wave of fire at his face. He ducked to dodge it and it gave me a chance to get my footing. I heard footsteps from a long way off. The troops!
"Another day, Spike. You're on my list. Better learn to sleep with your eyes open." the venom was pouring off my words. "Your wounds are too bad, you'll be dead in a week." he said with equal malice.
I used another explosion to launch myself into the treetops. The last time I'll see him for awhile. "I need to go to this tournament though." I thought.
"Ba-sing-se is east. I guess I should go that way." I looked over the ridge at a small town. "Hmm, maybe I could steal some supplies... Sounds good.".
I jumped off the ridge and crept towards the unsuspecting town.
Well, that got boring... Sorry, vampdude.
TheGreatAvatar wrote: |
uhmm..i havent even started season 3...but my characters gonna have to lay down low for a while cuz im not gunna be posting for him anytime soon...just letinu no |
Jax: Earthbender, Firebender, and Broadswords Master
*4 Months after the events of my last post
Jax opened his eyes and stared at a puddle on the ground. He breathed fire so he could see his face. His face had grown darker, and his eye color had changed from blue to a dark black. He rose his head to see Dark Jax entering the prison.
"Well Jax, its been a long four months," he said.
"Have you come to release me?" Jax asked.
"Yes, the darkness has you now Jax," Dark Jax said. "When you are released from these chains, your hunt for the Destiny Emeralds will begin."
"How will I find them?"
"Your new darkness will tell you."
The chains left Jax, and he collapsed to the ground. He felt an overwhelming darkness possesing him. He blacked out.
Scorch (Elite Fire Bender)
Scorch was walking throughout the city streets, having forgot about Ami's delivery, and looked at all of the ruined buildings. The trouble about being a firebender in the North Pole was that someone was ALWAYS watching you, and Scorch could feel it. He simply walked through the streets with his hood over his head, and saw a board of ice in front of him by the docks. On it were flyers, posters, help wanted ads, but one flyer caught his attention.
A Tournement will be held in Ba-Sing-Se and will offer a prize of 6000 gold pieces, and a rare item...
"NO!" exclaimed Pyro in Scorch's head, "the Hami Crystal! We need to get that crystal!" Scorch shook his head.
"No, we have one of them already," said Scorch, "and as long as we have one, that stupid orb thingy is safe."
"Fool!" exclaimed Pyro again, "even one crystal in the wrong hands can cause mass chaos, disturb the balance between the mortal and spirit worlds. If we can get all of the crystals, we can use the??Spirit Gate and my??army??to end the crystals' existance! Even stop the wars between the nations, we can bring peace to the world together."
"Its not worth leaving behind my friends, nor Rin," said Scorch, "and the Avatar can stop the war, we need not to interfere." Scorch knew these Infernox??Crystals wouldn't be a problem, but liked the idea??of the tournement. He removed the flyer and put it in his sleeve, turning away and heading back towards Ami's manson. He didn't get far when he heard an explosion and turned around to see smoke bellowing in the distance, and he knew what that meant.
"Obsidian," said Scorch. He took off in a sprint through the streets and started to force a little fire from his feet and began gliding over the ice, moving faster and faster towards the smoke. In the center of a plaza was Obsidian, surrounded by several water tribe members. He began to circle his hands around him and formed a sphere of??fire around him, forcing the sphere to expand and burn the waterbenders around him to vanish.??The sphere faded and Obsidian locked eyes with??Scorch.
"Ah,??its nice to see you again," said Obsidian, "I thought??you would have given up before you even started. But, you always did start something and end up dumping it on someone else." He sighed, "but, its not like you could ever do anything useful anyway." Scorch took a ball of blue flame in his hand and threw it at Obsidian.
"Shut up!" exclaimed Scorch as fire encased his body. Several blue-flamed duplicates??began to appear around Obsidian and they??all charged for him, but Obsidian encased his body in flames too, absorbing the duplicates. They both let their flames down.
"Ah so predictable Scorch," said Obsidian, "I've picked up a few tricks thanks to you." He then charged for Scorch and grabbed him by the throat, "I don't have time for you??now though, no. I have some business to attend to." He threw Scorch down and made giant sphere of fire,??blinding Scorch. He fled when he had the chance and disappeared. Scorch tried to find him but was unable to. He saw a burned piece of parchment on the ground and picked it up, recognizing the text patterns.
"So, he's going to attend this thing?" asked Scorch to himself.??"Perhaps I should get these crystals after all, and destroy them from this world..." And with that,??Scorch went back to Ami's uncle's home, severly injured from the fight.??
Rin (Firebender)
Ami was going into labor.
It all happened so fast, that girl bursting onto the scene, and Ami was about to have her baby.
Rin felt half-panicked, half excited as she rushed down the hallway to find Ami in a curtained off room. There were many healers and attendants there, the kind who heal with Waterbending, not like Rin. She left Scorch and Fang outside as she checked on Ami behind the curtains.
???How are you doing????
???I???ve been having contractions for about an hour now???they just come more often. How long does it take to have a baby, Rin???? Ami asked.
???Uhhh???about five hours? For the long ones, sometimes 8 hours. But you???re doing great, Ami. Just hang on a sec, Fang and Scorch are waiting outside.??? She said, happily. Ami smiled, but she had another contraction.
???Just remember to breathe, okay? Push out, and take deep breaths. Let the contractions come in waves.??? She stepped out of the room to see Scorch and Fang.
???Well, how is she???? Fang asked.
???She???s?????? Rin started.
???When did she start going into labor???? Scorch asked.
???Is she having breathing problems? ??? Fang inquired again.
???Ami is??????
???I bet Ami???s going to be winded after??????
???WILL YOU BE QUIET?!??? Rin screamed.
Fang and Scorch decided to shut up, wisely.
Rin cleared her throat.
???She started contractions an hour ago and the baby should be here by nightfall, or sooner. She???s doing perfectly fine, and she???s in top condition. I???ll let you see her after she has the baby, or you could drop in to hold her hand once in a while, if she???s up to it.??? Rin finished.
???Just give us some updates, okay???? Fang said.
???Sure.??? Rin went back to Ami.
???Fang and Scorch are waiting happily, Ami. You can do it, don???t worry.??? Rin gave her a comforting smile.
???Thanks, Rin?????? She had another contraction and started breathing harder again.
Within about 6 hours, Ami started going into heavier contractions. Rin knew the baby was coming.
???Rin, I don???t think I can do this.??? Illiana was there, too. She was checking Ami???s pulse on her wrist.
???Don???t be silly, you???ve been through more than I have.??? Rin laughed. ???You can do it.???
???If you say so?????? She pushed again.
???Just remember to breathe.???
Then, about half an hour later, Ami had her baby.
???It???s a boy, Ami! Congrats.??? The baby was crying a lot, and Rin cleaned him off with a wet cloth and Illiana wrapped him in a blanket, handing him to Ami. He was obviously healthy, and he was crying, as all babies do.
???I think something???s wrong???I???m still having contractions.???
???Ami, you still have a baby bump??? nothing???s wrong, you???re having twins!???
???What?! Twins?!??? Ami was more shocked than all of them.
???I???ll go tell Fang and Scorch right away!??? Illiana left the room to spread the news.
???Rin, I don???t think I can do this anymore?????? Ami said, reluctantly, as more contractions came.
???Don???t be so silly, Ami! You kicked Dark Jax???s sorry @ss, didn???t you? He wiped the floor with me! You can do that, you can do this, too. I know you can!??? Rin encouraged her.
???Thanks???I???m going to need all the help I can get.??? Ami smiled.
An hour later, the other baby came. It was a girl this time. Illiana cleaned her off and handed her to Ami, and she propped herself up on the pillows, relieved, and tired.
???You can relax for now, Ami. You earned it.??? Illiana said.
???Fang, you can come in now! You???re officially a dad, by the way.??? Rin called.
???Congratulations!??? Illiana said.
Ami was exhausted, but she was perfectly fine.
Fang came in, excited. He sat down next to Ami. ???How are you???? He kissed her on the cheek.
???I???m just fine, and so are they. What should we name them???? Ami said.
???How about Kya for the girl, and Kai for the boy???? Fang asked.
???They???re perfect???Kya and Kai.??? Ami nodded in agreement. Just then, the twins started laughing along with them. It was as if the war had stopped, and everything was peaceful again.
???It???s amazing that two little squirts can cause so much trouble, but be such a break from the world.??? Rin said.
Fang and Ami looked at her. A long pause filled the room occupying only the six of them.
??????that???s the most intellectual quote I???ve ever heard from you.??? Fang said, a little shocked.??
???Ehehe???really? I guess I was just thinking out loud.??? Rin laughed a little.
The world stood still, for a moment, at least.
~ ~ ~
(Hehehe, not??all blondes are stupid. X3)
Lee,earthbender(between the gap)
As me and xen??escaped the cave I had just noticed his wound."Are you okay Xen?"Yeah im alright its not that bad,but they killed Rocky.I know Xen,and its my fault??he wouldve never even been in this mess if i didnt try to make him a pet."I said as i simply stared at the ground and feeling diiferent emotions.
"Okay I know you miss him but we need to get out of here before one of us die."Xen said as he stood up with a big grin on his face and saw a few fire nation soldiers ride by on the kimodo rhinocereses."Stand up Lee those soldiers right there have money and our rides."
"Okay lets do tis then!"I said to xen as we easily took out the soldiers and took the pouches of equipment,money,food,the rhinocereses,??and other supplies."Good now that we have supplies let get out of here."We take off in a random direction.
As soon as we reached a village we set up camp in a good safe spot."Good night Lee."Xen said as he entered his tent and immediately went to sleep and started snoring."Good night and good bye Xen.I take a few supplies and leave the campsite holding a map in one hand.
As the cold wind blew through the night i continued on following the map i got from a store while i was in the vilage."I didnt expect it to be this cold out side,but ive got a few things to do. Iremember everything that had happened to me during the last few months."I need more training and i know exactly where to go to get some !
Rampage??(Gigantic Axe)
Rampage had been holding his new weapon for a few days, and couldn't wait to test it. But, with this recent discovery, he was hoping the legends relating to this crystal, known as "The Key" in the myths, were true as well. He had located a private library in the depths of the palace and came across a book titled "Vector Sigma the Key to the Hami army" Since he had already found two of the crystals, he was hoping this Vector Sigma was real as well. Alas, the locations of the crystals were unknown in the book, well, at least Vector Sigma was. The legends spoke of a massive area in the spirit world known as Vector Sigma, a place where a terrible army composed of the hate and anger man had held for each other had gathered. This Vector Sigma was created by the terrible fire spirit Pyro, and the crystals were the key to unlocking it into the mortal world. The person who meets the crystals in the right pattern would be able to command the massive army to do their bidding, and this was excellent news for Rampage. Not only would Ba-Sing-Se soon be his, but the entire planet would fall under his strength.
At long last, Rampage had the means to open the Spirit Gate to Vector Sigma, except for one single element: the final crystal. But, now that the Hami Crystal has been offered up as a prize, Rampage would have to move quick to make sure he wouldn't lose this asset. There would be one threat to his plan, but Rampage knew that was lost never to be recovered, and that means the Hami army of Vector Sigma is up for the taking. Although... legend did mention an object able to not only seal Vector Sigma, but destroy it. Rampage, however, thought this to only be a legend and a simple story. He was determined to continue this plan, no matter the cost.
"Yes, the Hami army will be mine, but not before some unfinished business is taken care of first," said Rampage. He had heard Azula had stopped her training and thought that with the recent disappearence of Sparky and the chi sucking daggers, Azula may have lost her part as the second pawn, and her part in this story as well.
ThatLostGuy wrote: |
Congratulations on a sucessful Season3...more seasons to come! |