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Nickelodeon (ended 2008)

Avatar Returns? Spoilers

  • Avatar of flawlesscoope


    [1]Jul 20, 2008
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    What would make the avatar return on t.v now that Ozai's done. Like fighting terrorists and over weight america
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  • Avatar of aMedusa


    [2]Jul 20, 2008
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    avatar wont return. they have no reason to run now. they arent on a journey and its not going to happen. if anything 1 episode will be an epilouge and that's it.
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  • Avatar of linkthehero82


    [3]Jul 20, 2008
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    The Avatar franchise is a cash cow, there is no way they'd ever let that go. Not since M. Night's makin a live action movie version. And besides a sequel series is already in the works.
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  • Avatar of libraman_92


    [4]Jul 20, 2008
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    linkthehero82 wrote:
    The Avatar franchise is a cash cow, there is no way they'd ever let that go. Not since M. Night's makin a live action movie version. And besides a sequel series is already in the works.

    a sequel series....in the works...how do YOU know??

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  • Avatar of YuZKidd


    [5]Jul 20, 2008
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    linkthehero82 wrote:
    The Avatar franchise is a cash cow, there is no way they'd ever let that go. Not since M. Night's makin a live action movie version. And besides a sequel series is already in the works.

    Where did you fear that?
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  • Avatar of Private_White


    [6]Jul 20, 2008
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    Dude, I even have proof of this new series that is under development I'll post the links, I just need to pull them up from previous posts... Gimme a sec
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  • Avatar of Private_White


    [7]Jul 20, 2008
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    libraman_92 wrote:

    linkthehero82 wrote:
    The Avatar franchise is a cash cow, there is no way they'd ever let that go. Not since M. Night's makin a live action movie version. And besides a sequel series is already in the works.

    a sequel series....in the works...how do YOU know??

    Ah, here we go.

    According to Avatar Wiki, a supposed New Series is in early development, and has been confirmed in an interview with one of the two creators, Michael Dante Dimarti. Click Here for the Wiki page. Click Here for the Interview page. Sorry if this is old news, I just found it .

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  • Avatar of choasgod


    [8]Jul 20, 2008
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    Im hoping they make a 4th and 5th series -- think of all the subplots left.

    --> How the world is handling the end of the war?
    --> Where is Ursa
    --> How does the next avatar learn air bending ?
    --> Aang can now spirit bend, what impact does it have on his life.
    --> What happens to the southern and northern water tribes
    --> Does Sokka get space sword back?
    --> Does hawky come back ?
    --> What does Toph do?
    --> Do Toph's parents finally accept her as she is ?
    --> What happens to the remaining air temples.
    --> What happens to the white lotus society
    --> where is Azula? What happens to her?
    --> What happend to Iroh in the spirit world?
    --> WHat has the earth King and his bear been up to?
    --> Can aang use the Avatar state at will now ?

    How hard would it be for the creators to write a 4th and 5th season now -- Have Aang travel the world in search of air benders due to rumors about them reaching aang's ears. Add in simple subplots like Zuko having trouble with some generals whom rebel against him resulting in aang having to stop them. Have the earth king re-appear and tell aang about his travels. Have Iroh shed some light on his trip to the spirit realm. Explain what happens to Azula / have her come to terms with people disliking the way she uses them. etc.

    I mean if you watch all the Avatar episodes quite a few of them end up being their simply for entertainment or to create a subplot / end a subplot. So id say it should be pretty easy to create 41 episodes covering subplots / adding new stuff to keep people interested in the show. Besides they have a movie due out in 2010 -- they can't possibly expect a good reception if the show has been dead for 2 years...

    Edited on 07/20/2008 6:26am
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  • Avatar of madesi


    [9]Jul 20, 2008
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    I agree! I had those same questions after finale and was a little disappointed they weren't answered.
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  • Avatar of ginsengtea9


    [10]Jul 20, 2008
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    just hope that a new series won't turn out to be worse than the first one.

    think about pokemon.

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  • Avatar of code_yumi


    [11]Jul 20, 2008
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    Private_White wrote:
    libraman_92 wrote:

    linkthehero82 wrote:
    The Avatar franchise is a cash cow, there is no way they'd ever let that go. Not since M. Night's makin a live action movie version. And besides a sequel series is already in the works.

    a sequel series....in the works...how do YOU know??

    Ah, here we go.

    According to Avatar Wiki, a supposed New Series is in early development, and has been confirmed in an interview with one of the two creators, Michael Dante Dimarti. Click Here for the Wiki page. Click Here for the Interview page. Sorry if this is old news, I just found it .

    Avatar Wiki isn't a realiable source and at the end of the interview it says "Newsarama Note: The original article stated that there were three more seasons of of Avatar coming. According to Nickelodeon, that is not the case as of this time. We regret the error."
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  • Avatar of Toph_kicks_butt


    [12]Jul 20, 2008
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    code_yumi wrote:
    Private_White wrote:
    libraman_92 wrote:

    linkthehero82 wrote:
    The Avatar franchise is a cash cow, there is no way they'd ever let that go. Not since M. Night's makin a live action movie version. And besides a sequel series is already in the works.

    a sequel series....in the works...how do YOU know??

    Ah, here we go.

    According to Avatar Wiki, a supposed New Series is in early development, and has been confirmed in an interview with one of the two creators, Michael Dante Dimarti. Click Here for the Wiki page. Click Here for the Interview page. Sorry if this is old news, I just found it .

    Avatar Wiki isn't a realiable source and at the end of the interview it says "Newsarama Note: The original article stated that there were three more seasons of of Avatar coming. According to Nickelodeon, that is not the case as of this time. We regret the error."
    I know I saw that too. Now what?!?
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  • Avatar of Shanonaa


    [13]Jul 20, 2008
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    Just because Nick isn't going to pick up Avatar again doesn't mean that another network won't. I'm sure there's a network out there dying to get their hands on such an artistic and inspiring show like Avatar.
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  • Avatar of bigoverpac666


    [14]Jul 20, 2008
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    libraman_92 wrote:

    linkthehero82 wrote:
    The Avatar franchise is a cash cow, there is no way they'd ever let that go. Not since M. Night's makin a live action movie version. And besides a sequel series is already in the works.

    a sequel series....in the works...how do YOU know??

    Actually it's going to be more of a Spin-Off Series than a Sequel Series. But Who cares? More Avatar!!!
    Edited on 07/20/2008 9:16am
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  • Avatar of ruthielove14


    [15]Jul 20, 2008
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    choasgod wrote:

    Im hoping they make a 4th and 5th series -- think of all the subplots left.

    --> How the world is handling the end of the war?
    --> Where is Ursa
    --> How does the next avatar learn air bending ?
    --> Aang can now spirit bend, what impact does it have on his life.
    --> What happens to the southern and northern water tribes
    --> Does Sokka get space sword back?
    --> Does hawky come back ?
    --> What does Toph do?
    --> Do Toph's parents finally accept her as she is ?
    --> What happens to the remaining air temples.
    --> What happens to the white lotus society
    --> where is Azula? What happens to her?
    --> What happend to Iroh in the spirit world?
    --> WHat has the earth King and his bear been up to?
    --> Can aang use the Avatar state at will now ?

    How hard would it be for the creators to write a 4th and 5th season now -- Have Aang travel the world in search of air benders due to rumors about them reaching aang's ears. Add in simple subplots like Zuko having trouble with some generals whom rebel against him resulting in aang having to stop them. Have the earth king re-appear and tell aang about his travels. Have Iroh shed some light on his trip to the spirit realm. Explain what happens to Azula / have her come to terms with people disliking the way she uses them. etc.

    I mean if you watch all the Avatar episodes quite a few of them end up being their simply for entertainment or to create a subplot / end a subplot. So id say it should be pretty easy to create 41 episodes covering subplots / adding new stuff to keep people interested in the show. Besides they have a movie due out in 2010 -- they can't possibly expect a good reception if the show has been dead for 2 years...

    ^^same questions that I have
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  • Avatar of starreh


    [16]Jul 20, 2008
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    Let's just wait and see, people.
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  • Avatar of mjking963789


    [17]Jul 20, 2008
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    Toph_kicks_butt wrote:
    code_yumi wrote:
    Private_White wrote:
    libraman_92 wrote:

    linkthehero82 wrote:
    The Avatar franchise is a cash cow, there is no way they'd ever let that go. Not since M. Night's makin a live action movie version. And besides a sequel series is already in the works.

    a sequel series....in the works...how do YOU know??

    Ah, here we go.

    According to Avatar Wiki, a supposed New Series is in early development, and has been confirmed in an interview with one of the two creators, Michael Dante Dimarti. Click Here for the Wiki page. Click Here for the Interview page. Sorry if this is old news, I just found it .

    Avatar Wiki isn't a realiable source and at the end of the interview it says "Newsarama Note: The original article stated that there were three more seasons of of Avatar coming. According to Nickelodeon, that is not the case as of this time. We regret the error."
    I know I saw that too. Now what?!?

    It still can be made

    they only said its not the case at this time

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  • Avatar of caseybocook


    [18]Jul 20, 2008
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    In the Sozin book interview Mike and Bryan stated they are in early development of a new series based on Avatar world.
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  • Avatar of SubZero8855


    [19]Jul 20, 2008
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    caseybocook wrote:
    In the Sozin book interview Mike and Bryan stated they are in early development of a new series based on Avatar world.

    will it feature the same characters

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  • Avatar of FourthLegacy


    [20]Jul 20, 2008
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    SubZero8855 wrote:

    caseybocook wrote:
    In the Sozin book interview Mike and Bryan stated they are in early development of a new series based on Avatar world.

    will it feature the same characters

    Probably not.
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