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Avatar: The Last Airbender Forums

Nickelodeon (ended 2008)

Avatar Plot Twist Game

  • Avatar of MaddoKos


    [41]Jun 2, 2008
    • member since: 05/19/08
    • level: 10
    • rank: Holy Level 10!
    • posts: 2,459
    edmasterchaos wrote:
    oh, this one's gonna be epic =D

    Aang's fantasy with Momo and Appa turns out to be real, shortly after he goes to swim a little on the cold water, he sees that Toph, Katara and Sokka are trying to stop Momo and Appa from fighting, but they are too powerful, they start using more than their swords, as Momo uses his Jins and Appa his airbending, the group can't do anything but watch how their animal friends fight to the end, and after an epic battle, Momo and Appa decide to leave it as a tie and they both use their tecniques to put Aang to sleep and help cure his scar, thus on DOBS, Appa and Momo decide to help on the invasion. During the invasion, Appa takes down the towers, while Momo goes to help aang in his fight againts the FL. When aang desides to face the FL on his hideout, Appa helps destroy the FN's planes while Momo helps Sokka, Toph and Aang find the FL, wich they do with ease. Zuko just re-directed Ozai's lightning, wich Aang, Momo, Toph and Sokka see, they stop Zuko before he escapes and Momo tells him that they accept his help, and is thankful that he let the duty of slaying the FL. Aang tries to fight him, but since the FireBending is active again he can't beat the FL, so Momo decides to help him one last time, he sacrifices his life to use his final Jin, the healing Jin, at the cost of his life, momo is able to give all his strengh and health to one person, thus Aang now has AS at 100% again, wich he uses inmediatly to go to the Avatar State and slay Ozai once and for all. In the meantime, Azula was on a flying was ship, that was fighting Appa, the ship's weapons were powerful, and it seemed that Appa would die, but he remembered what Momo had told him on the day they met "One's power does not come only from one's strengh and abilities, but also his knowlege and spirit" remembering this, he decides to attempt the one Jin he learned, the Speed Jin, his strengh was halved but his movemenets and thinking were 10 times faster, what was 10 seconds for him, was only a second for the rest of the world, thus he was able to destroy the weapons and attack the war ship's weakspot, killing everyone inside. Aang, Zuko, Toph and Sokka escaped the palace to meet with their friends, there they help defeat the last soilders that tried to stop them, there was a lot of joy, but the Gaang was sad that Momo had to die, and as soon as Appa heard of his sacrafise, he began to cry for the first time in a long time, his best friend in the world, his rival and his companion, Momo, died, as he growled fiercly, Momo's spirit began to cry, of happiness, for no only did he bring peace to the world, he now knoes that he truely had a friend.

    The Headband.

    During the dance party, Sokka breaks out the cactus juice. Everyone gets wasted. When the Fire Nation soldiers raid the place Sokka is arrested and sent to the Boiling Rock for selling drugs to minors.

    The Earth King
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