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Nickelodeon (ended 2008)

Avatar nostalgia ...

  • Avatar of blackfire_bird


    [1]Dec 20, 2006
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    Ok I think this was done already in an other thread but it's way back and I'm to lazy to search?? -_-' .

    Here people, you can??talk about??your first Avatar anything, mighth it be an episode , toy, pic, vid, etc etc ... and how it got you hooked on the show, etc etc ....

    My personal first :??

    Ok it all started like this ... I was a nice (?) little girl living my nice little life in my parents house and watching my nice little tv ??BUT all of a suddent *dum dum Duuuuummmmmm*?? the cable went out??so that??we didn't had cable for months due to??some strange ??"technicals"?? difficulties.

    All in all I was unaware of all the Avatar commotion that was going on Nickelodeon UNTIL that faithful day when we went to visit my grandmother ( luckly she had cable tv )?? and?? I turned on??her tv on put it on Nick??AND IT WAS SOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL?? !!!!!!!!!!! It was the episode "Imprisoned" just at the part when the earthbenders were figthing back, my sisters and I were just standing there speechless.... ( I nearly peeed my self with joy).

    So good memories,... good memories ... *wipes out littles tear out of eye* *goes off back to dreamland*


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  • Avatar of confucioussayhi


    [2]Dec 20, 2006
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    I was talking to my friends and one of them mentioned it. I was like, What hell kinda crappy name is Avatar? I was stupid at the time. I watched it and instantly got hooked. Thats my story.
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  • Avatar of tico1125


    [3]Dec 20, 2006
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    My whole thing is the four forces of nature.?? I hold them within my own beliefs of the world and the show closely related to me with that fact alone.
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  • Avatar of Bandage2


    [4]Dec 20, 2006
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    I saw the end of episode 2 by chance cause I was bored, I originally thought before I had watched it "wow that's a pretty lame show" then when he did his water thing, I was like, o jesus this may be promising. The next episode I saw was Winter solstice part 2 where roku owns everyone, after that TVOed every episode and now have them practically all memorized...
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  • Avatar of tokyoberry


    [5]Dec 20, 2006
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    well, i just saw a commercial for it and thought it would be cool. i gave it a try, and now i LOVE it!!!
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  • Avatar of SalKing2


    [6]Dec 20, 2006
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    I first went on nick.com and saw an icon with a Japanese guy with an arrow on his head. I'm like "what is this? It looks weird." Then I saw the first trailer on the computer and was so interested. Commercials were on the tv and I saw them and I knew I had to watch it. And that's when I started watching Avatar.
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  • Avatar of BlindBandit


    [7]Dec 20, 2006
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    (prepare for longness....)

    I was watching Nick, then this big fat announcement was all, "ZOMGAVATAR PRE-SEASON FINALE RIGHT NOW WATCH WATCH WATCH---"???? Y'know, how Nick always does it. I watched it...through commercial breaks. At the very end, they showed that same thing for "IN TWO WEEKS OMG SEASON FINALE WATCH OR WE EAT YOUR HEAD".??What caught me was the Sokkue fluff. I started squeeing(C'mon, when was the last time you saw an onscreen kiss on Nick? And animated?), and..uh, yeah. So I was afraid I missed it because..a week went by, for some strange reason I thought it was two. I ended up watching every episode, looking up spoilers, drawing them---(PWN, MAN.), and basically becoming more than a wimpy fan. HARD. CORE. FAN.?? Thanks Nick, see what'cha did to me?(*bows down to Mike 'n Bryan*)??///slash

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  • Avatar of KilalaRose


    [8]Dec 20, 2006
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    I saw the commercials for it when it was going to come out, and I was like "hey, this might be interesting..." so I've been a dedicated Avatar fan since the series first aired.
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  • Avatar of JPJBTheking


    [9]Dec 20, 2006
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    I actually was drinking a ice cold coors light and my neices were visiting and wanted to watch it, it was when imprionsed epp first came on. At first i thought it was going to suck but by the time it went off i realized i had put my beer down it had drawn me in that much, been watching ever since.
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  • Avatar of Miroku_of_Nite1


    [10]Dec 20, 2006
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    I seen ads before it came out and I watched the first episode. But I lost track of when the show was on and missed all of it until The Library episode first aired.
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  • Avatar of DrAvatar


    [11]Dec 20, 2006
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    I thought it looked interesting and watched the first episode.?? I remember the part where Katara called Sokka sexist and wondering how this show got put on nick.?? The other aspects of the show also impressed me and I continued to watch it.?? This show is so different from any other on Nick which is the main reason I got into it.
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  • Avatar of Eman5805


    [12]Dec 20, 2006
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    I was flippin' through channels and saw it on nick it was like saturday mourning and nothin' else was on so I said eh lemme watch this, and I actually didn't like it. Probably has something to do with the fact that the episode I saw was "The Great Divide" a bad episode to watch whether you like the show or not, but I caught the "Southern Air Temple" just as the Zuko/Zhao fight was starting and my jaw hit the floor when Zuko pulled that tight Capoeira/break dancing move to sweep out Zhao's feet. And the rest is history
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  • Avatar of phoenix72389


    [13]Dec 21, 2006
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    *cracks knuckles in preparation*

    I had always known about the show.?? I have a younger sister, so Nick??was usually on (she's since switched to Disney, but that is another story) and I would catch commericals for it.?? On occasion, I'd catch parts of it flipping through??channels, but quite honestly, I was not that intrigued at first.?? My original opinion??was "oh...just another anime..."??

    Then one day, I was banished to my room and not allowed to come out until it was clean.?? It looked to be a looong job, so I turned on the TV for some company and background noise.?? As I flipped through channels, nothing seemed to be on...until I hit Nick.?? Turns out, it was, oh I think a week or so, before the Season 1 finale would be airing, so I ended up changing to Nick right in the middle of the??marathons they usually do on weekends and/or around big TV events.?? In the time it took to clean my room, I ended up watching everything from "The Fortuneteller" to "The Northern Air Temple."?? I could see that it was much more than "another anime," and it was actually a pretty funny and cool show, and I admit I thought the Fire Nation was beyond awesome.?? Still, I wasn't officially hooked and??I thought that would be the end of it...

    ...I don't remember the reason, but the night the Season 1??finale was on, I was out, but my sister had TiVo-ed it.?? So another week later, I finally had an hour to spare, and watched the entire hour of "The Siege of the North."

    By the time that episode had ended and I had picked my jaw up off the floor, I knew.?? I was hooked.

    That episode sealed the deal for me.?? It had everything.?? The battle scenes, just the right amount of romance (I felt soooo bad for Sokka!), and flat out beautiful animation.??My biggest thing though, was seeing Nick kill off a character in such a manner.?? Zhao drowning at the hands of a Water Spirit!??? Too kickass.?? I grew up on Nick all through the 90s and had never seen or expected that type of dark-action from them.?? I knew that for a show to get by with that...it was something special.

    Not to mention that SotN immediately turned me on to Zutara.?? Lol.?? It was the first time I saw them interact (having never seen "The Waterbending Scroll") and when they were done fighting,?? I made a joke like "They've got way too much sexual tension."?? It made me laugh at first...but within another few seconds I sobered up and??I thought..."wait a sec...maybe that isn't too far-fetched...wow, I wonder if anyone else thinks this..."?? I thought I'd be in the minority ship of the fandom...how wrong I was... ^_^.?? And as a true fangirl at heart, I knew that if I already had a ship, I knew that I'd crossed into the fandom...

    And over the summer between Season 1 and Season 2,??I was able to catch the summer re-runs for Season 1.?? I was able to get online and find the forums, the sites, the communities for the show...and of course one for Zutara that was fully able to let me get more involved with both fans and the show itself.????I was able to learn as much of the Avatar-verse that I could...that way, when Season 2 prepared, I was ready.

    And I haven't looked back sense.??

    I watch every episode the night it premieres, at all costs.?? I ship in the most battle-filled waters of any fandom I've been in.?? I go to the same college as Jack DeSena, and like a true fan girl, when I heard him talking, I nearly exploded with giggles because when I closed my eyes it was like I was hearing Sokka talk about a paper he needed to get done.?? I want to go to a Paramount Theme Park just to get an Appa plushie.?? My only major b-day gift wish was Season 1 DVD box set and I bought that lame SpongeBob poster magazine...just to get the one Avatar poster.

    And now I think, what would have happened, if I wouldn't have spent those hours in my room??? If I hadn't seen SotN, the episode I credit fully with bringing me into the fandom??? Or what if I never stayed on Nick while Avatar was on and just kept flipping channels??? Maybe I would've gotten into it regardless...or maybe I would be stuck asking "What is a Kataang and why do they like fighting a Zutara..whatever that means!?"??...sort of like what my friends and family ask me, lol.

    Regardless, I did see the show.?? I did get hooked.?? It is now one of my biggest obsession and one of my favorite fandoms.?? It definately one of the funnest fandoms I'm in too.?? And I know that with Season 3, things are only going to get better, both for the show...and for the entire experiance of being a fan.?? XD

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  • Avatar of shadowcloud86


    [14]Dec 21, 2006
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    I'd watched some first season during the morning in the summer (a few years ago) and I really didn't think much of it you know. It was good but I wasn't hooked yet.??My sister started drawing characters from the shows she liked...Teen titans, then avatar, then naruto...so I learned about it through her drawings, and then we started watching it together and I liked it more. Last summer I found out we were going to Nick Studios to get a tour from an artist there and I was thinking, man what if I can see all the avatar stuff? how cool would that be! so I did and I guess doing so ultimately peaked my interest in avatar and I am now proud to call my self an avatard
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  • Avatar of piranhapete


    [15]Dec 21, 2006
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    phoenix72389 wrote:

    *cracks knuckles in preparation*

    I had always known about the show.?? I have a younger sister, so Nick??was usually on (she's since switched to Disney, but that is another story) and I would catch commericals for it.?? On occasion, I'd catch parts of it flipping through??channels, but quite honestly, I was not that intrigued at first.?? My original opinion??was "oh...just another anime..."??

    Then one day, I was banished to my room and not allowed to come out until it was clean.?? It looked to be a looong job, so I turned on the TV for some company and background noise.?? As I flipped through channels, nothing seemed to be on...until I hit Nick.?? Turns out, it was, oh I think a week or so, before the Season 1 finale would be airing, so I ended up changing to Nick right in the middle of the??marathons they usually do on weekends and/or around big TV events.?? In the time it took to clean my room, I ended up watching everything from "The Fortuneteller" to "The Northern Air Temple."?? I could see that it was much more than "another anime," and it was actually a pretty funny and cool show, and I admit I thought the Fire Nation was beyond awesome.?? Still, I wasn't officially hooked and??I thought that would be the end of it...

    ...I don't remember the reason, but the night the Season 1??finale was on, I was out, but my sister had TiVo-ed it.?? So another week later, I finally had an hour to spare, and watched the entire hour of "The Siege of the North."

    By the time that episode had ended and I had picked my jaw up off the floor, I knew.?? I was hooked.

    That episode sealed the deal for me.?? It had everything.?? The battle scenes, just the right amount of romance (I felt soooo bad for Sokka!), and flat out beautiful animation.??My biggest thing though, was seeing Nick kill off a character in such a manner.?? Zhao drowning at the hands of a Water Spirit!??? Too kickass.?? I grew up on Nick all through the 90s and had never seen or expected that type of dark-action from them.?? I knew that for a show to get by with that...it was something special.

    Not to mention that SotN immediately turned me on to Zutara.?? Lol.?? It was the first time I saw them interact (having never seen "The Waterbending Scroll") and when they were done fighting,?? I made a joke like "They've got way too much sexual tension."?? It made me laugh at first...but within another few seconds I sobered up and??I thought..."wait a sec...maybe that isn't too far-fetched...wow, I wonder if anyone else thinks this..."?? I thought I'd be in the minority ship of the fandom...how wrong I was... ^_^.?? And as a true fangirl at heart, I knew that if I already had a ship, I knew that I'd crossed into the fandom...

    And over the summer between Season 1 and Season 2,??I was able to catch the summer re-runs for Season 1.?? I was able to get online and find the forums, the sites, the communities for the show...and of course one for Zutara that was fully able to let me get more involved with both fans and the show itself.????I was able to learn as much of the Avatar-verse that I could...that way, when Season 2 prepared, I was ready.

    And I haven't looked back sense.??

    I watch every episode the night it premieres, at all costs.?? I ship in the most battle-filled waters of any fandom I've been in.?? I go to the same college as Jack DeSena, and like a true fan girl, when I heard him talking, I nearly exploded with giggles because when I closed my eyes it was like I was hearing Sokka talk about a paper he needed to get done.?? I want to go to a Paramount Theme Park just to get an Appa plushie.?? My only major b-day gift wish was Season 1 DVD box set and I bought that lame SpongeBob poster magazine...just to get the one Avatar poster.

    And now I think, what would have happened, if I wouldn't have spent those hours in my room??? If I hadn't seen SotN, the episode I credit fully with bringing me into the fandom??? Or what if I never stayed on Nick while Avatar was on and just kept flipping channels??? Maybe I would've gotten into it regardless...or maybe I would be stuck asking "What is a Kataang and why do they like fighting a Zutara..whatever that means!?"??...sort of like what my friends and family ask me, lol.

    Regardless, I did see the show.?? I did get hooked.?? It is now one of my biggest obsession and one of my favorite fandoms.?? It definately one of the funnest fandoms I'm in too.?? And I know that with Season 3, things are only going to get better, both for the show...and for the entire experiance of being a fan.?? XD

    Confront Jack!!! ASK HIM ABOUT SEASON THREE UNTIL HE CRACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Avatar of PrimoNation


    [16]Dec 21, 2006
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    In bed sick, channel surfing, I came across the 1st two episodes being played back to back.?? I thought it was a pretty neat show, but due to fever and other things, totally forgot the name and even what channel I had been watching.

    A few weeks later, I am again channel surfing and come across "Imprisoned".?? Now with name of the show, I was able to add the series to my DVR and since then, have been hooked.... and of course I turned my family into Avatar fans along the way, including a 21 yr old nephew and many friends.

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  • Avatar of windseeker15


    [17]Dec 21, 2006
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    I got into Avatar pretty late in the series, around the end of season one.

    The first episode I saw was the very fist one, when Katara is yelling at Sokka and the ice is cracking right before they find Aang. But I switched the channel before that, not really interested.

    What got me interested in Avatar was the "Creating Waterbending" clips where they brought in the martial arts experts and explain the basics.

    Then the first episode I really watched was "The Waterbending Master".

    I think I oficcially became an Avatar fan at the start of season 2. By "The Blind Bandit" I was totally hooked. (I rented and watched the season 1 DVD's after that).

    Edited on 12/21/2006 3:13pm
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  • Avatar of doctor_lee


    [18]Dec 21, 2006
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    I had nothing to do one day so I decided to flip through the channels.
    Nothing was on and Avatar caught my eye.
    I thought,
    'Anime in Nick?'
    That day, they were playing the whole first season or something.
    That's how I got hooked on to Avatar.
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  • Avatar of neverbeenpinker


    [19]Dec 21, 2006
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    i was lucky enough to be one of the original viewers, not one of the people who jumped on the bandwagon. i remember watching the series premiere, and thinking it was a little corny, but i remember thinking it had something. you know, just.... something. that one little aspect that made it more than another stupid anime, more than another stupid cartoon-y nick show. it had plot. it had believable characters. and it had the promise of a continuing storyline instead of just another random-episode every week, kind of thing. i remember i never wanted to miss an episode, but i don't think i was really a fan until "The Southern Air Temple". when aang found gyatso, i thought "wow... this is definately more than i thought it was going to be". and by the time "Imprisoned" came around, i was hooked. and the season finale just blew me away.

    all i ever have to do now is get on youtube and re-watch "The Southern Air Temple" and it reminds me of why i love this show so much.
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  • Avatar of whiteforest


    [20]Dec 21, 2006
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    Heheh. I think the Imprisoned episode was the first one I'd ever watched too, and I loved it immediately from there.
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