So, we've seen all the RPG threads. But what if we were to kick it up a notch?
Valtiel, servant of the old god: What's "LARP?"
Live Action Role Play
A type of game where a group of people wear costumes representing a character they create to participate in an agreed fantasy world. Using foam sticks as swords, foam balls as magic and other props to create the game's world.
Valtiel, that sounds pretty darn lame. Why should I?
C'mon. If this doesn't look like fun to you then you're one insane little monkey. Instead of lightning bolt we'll be yelling "WATER WHIP LOL WATER WHIP LOL" and will be spraying each other with refreshing Fiji water.
So, who's in? I'll bring the cookies. We can meet in the.... Houston-Galveston area? =)