This is the Air Nomads Next move:
Due to the threats made by the fire nation, I order an evacuation of my people from the northern Air Temple.
But only Falcondude and 100 Soldiers will be evacuating, the rest will stay.
I am Surrendering to the water tribe. It's up to them if they take them as honorable POW's and remain inactive politically in the Northern Water Tribe.
Also, from my other temples, such as the southern Air Temple and Eastern Air Temples, I am going to install watch towers and Archers, a considerable amount to man the towers, (Do the math I guess, I'm not going to throw real numbers around if I'm not sure they're real. ) Minus as many Ba Gua Fighters I can Create, because I want to make more.
The Ba Gua Fighters are very important special OPs.
I also Want to start a New division of troops called "Gliders". Gliders have a wide range of scouting abitlity, and they're much more stealthy than Bison.
So, with my new increase in population, I'd like to make 200 Gliders.
And Since I want to make some more money, I want to train 200 warriors as Mercenaries, to create yet another means of income to the Nomads.
I remain firm with my Special OP's Troops on the Serpents pass.
I also Want to send a battallion of 100 Bison Attackers To Ba Sing Se, and 100 Bison attackers to Omashu I also Send a letter of thanks to the earth King, and Wish the earth Kingdom good luck, and that the tea may be with us all.
Our Glorious Propoganda Poster.
We've got bruce lee on our side. I ressurected him, lol.
If I Forgot to mention anything, would My fellow Head Monks Please Step forward and Fill in the blanks.
I thank all the nomads council and members for being so loyal and spirited. It has definetly given our country the much needed boost.
Also Give your opinion
Edited on 08/29/2008 8:13pm