FIRE NATION MOVE: After a considerable length of time spent training and drilling, the Fire Nation military has now fully adjusted to Phoenix Queen Azula's reforms. The FNM (Fire Nation Military) now consists of 10,000 firebending warriors. Each warrior is a capable firebender, reasonable at hand-to-hand combat, adept with a weapon of some kind (almost universally a sword(s), although there are some spear-men, and even a few who wield war-hammers), and knowledgable in basic engineering. For equipment, each soldier carries armour, a pair of swords/broad-swords (or whatever type of weapon it is that they specialize in), a basic set of tools, and supplies. After months of drills, they are adept at switching to whatever formation and stance they are ordered into, and are intimately familiar with the hierarchy of the army, navy, and air force. Disciplined and tough, they have learned to live by Azula's simple code: "Almost perfect isn't good enough". Currently based in defence of the Fire Nation, they are ready to move out at a moments notice. There is one unit of soldiers who are not firebenders: the Yu Yan Archers, who act as an elite unit for special missions. Regularly treated to speeches from the Phoenix Queen, they are personally loyal to her, and ready to die at her command. The FMEC (Fire Military Engineering Corps) has also adjusted to it's new role as the FNM's metaphorical Komodo-Rhino. The Fire Nation's work on Drill Technology has at last been completed. Firelord Psychopass is dispatched to oversee the final preparations in the assembling of a masive Drill, a feat of scientific ingenuity, and raw destructive power: Noblemen ThisCrazyGuy and TitanPredator are charged to oversee blockades and ensure that the Fire Nation's production remains in order. Phoenix King Axrendale begins conferring with the Fire Sages on a secret project of his, to be unveiled at a later date. Current Deployment Pattern: COUNTDOWN TO THE GREAT COMET'S ARRIVAL: 2 TURNS Do any of my team-mates have anything to add? |