Axrendale wrote: |
I was going to wait a while before announcing this, but what the heck - I'll do it now. I hereby post this move, which will decide the fate of the entire RPG: Pontifex Maximus Axrendale challenges Earth Queen Isabel to an Agni Kai. The second greatest Firebender in the world, and the second greatest Earthbender in the world (both are owned Azula and Toph respectively) will duke it out in single combat - the showdown that was always meant to be. The agreement is thus - the loser will surrender all that they have up to the winner. Whoever triumphs in the fight becomes the supreme ruler of the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom - they will control all the land, all the people, all the soldiers, all the technology - the lot. With one player controlling both the FN and the EK, the two most powerful nations in the game, the war will effectively be over. The winner will control 31,000 troops, 10,000 of them Firebenders, and with Sozin's Comet approaching, there is no way either the WT or AN will be able to hold out. Coupled with the FN's masive techology, culture, and organization bonus, and the massive resources of the two countries, either Isabel or I will be in a position to do whatever we want. Isabel and I have discussed this at length via pm - the duel will take place over the new MMO. The both the victor and the loser shall act with honor. I fully expect a massive wave of protest to arrise from Dafoose, and possibly EmoHaruno over the way we have effectively ensured that either Isabel or myself wins out, but hey - you win some, you lose some. Had this game gone differently, it might have been finished the normal way. Instead, we are going to do the homeric epic hero thing and risk it all on one last roll of the dice. *goes back to reading book* |
er wouldn't it be easier to just forget about this rpg? i hate not being on much...