Avatar: The Last Airbender
Book 3: Fire
Chapter One: The Sensiona
Sponsor for this Chapter: Zuko's Firebending
Chapter One:
Appa landed on the ground outisde Ba-Sing-Se. Aang was stilll recovering from his injuries, and he just lay on the saddle.
"Thank you Katara," he said.
Katara just smiled.
Sokka dropped the sleeping bags on the ground and jumped off.
Sokka slid into his sleeping bag. "Might as well get some sleep. We have to think of a plan tommorrow."
The Earth King dropped down from Appa's saddle.
"Sleeping....bags?" he asked. "What are sleeping bags?" he asked. He picked up one. He examined it closely.
"Do we, bag an animal, then sleep on it?" he asked.
Sokka looked at Katara, with a puzzled kind of look.
"No, you crawl into them, and then it's sleepy time," he said. "Good night!" he said.
Katara walked down and unrolled her sleeping bag, and Toph made her earth tent and fell asleep.
Aang was just laying on the saddle, and he eventually fell fast asleep. Momo jumped on his head, and curled up.
Katara walked away from the group, and sat on the ground. She took out her little necklace that had carried the water from the Spirit Oasis.
"What if I had used it on Zuko?" she wondered. "Aang would be....dead," she said.
She fell fast asleep.
Katara found Aang sitting by the river yesterday, trying to heal his wounds with waterbending.
"Here, Aang, let me help you," she said.
"No!" he said. He pulled his arm away. "I can do it myself."
"Aang, you can't heal, your not a born healer," she said.
"I don't need your help," Aang said again.
Katara walked away, and she looked back at him.
"Something is going on," she said.
She walked back to camp and Sokka was sharpening his boomerang with a stone. He stood up and looked in the sky.
"It's been getting warmer," he said. "Whats going on?" he asked.
"I don't know," Katara said.
Aang stood up and walked over to a small mountain."
"I'm sick of them," he said. "I can't take them anymore."
He walked around the mountain and he saw the Serpent's Pass.
"Leave them behind," a voice said inside him.
"What?" Aang said. "I'm not leaving."
"Do it," the voice said. "Before he comes."
"Who's he?" Aang asked.
The voice dissapeared and Aang walked to the Serpent's Pass, where a little old lady was sitting. In front of her was a star map.
"Hello, Avatar," the women said.
"Hello, who are you?" Aang asked.
"I am The Time Master, and I'm here to tell you something," she said.
"What?" Aang asked.
"Sozin's Comet is coming. Sooner than expected. It will be here in 2 weeks. You need to defeat the Fire Lord by then."
"Two weeks!" Aang yelled. "I can't defeat him in two weeks! I haven't even started firebending!"
"You will find a way Avatar," she said. "Also, something is inside the comet that is making it come sooner. This "something" is a force that affects you in strange ways. Your Avatar State spirit will start talking to you, and sometimes, you will be consumed by the Avatar State, even though you've mastered it."
"Wait, how do you know this?" Aang asked.
"We will meet again," she said. And she dissapeared into thin air.
A little scrap of paper was left on the ground.
It said one word:
Edited on 12/22/2006 6:06pm