I don't know how many of you know what archetypes are, but they're sort of like these recurring themes that show up in a story or any other work.?? I know that really doesn't explain any thing.?? The best way to explain an archetype is to give an example of one.?? For example: Good vs. Evil is an archetype.?? Aang represents good and??Azula represents evil.
This thread is designed to help the Avatards, like myself, find an intersting and insightful look into the show that we all love.?? Post your archetypes here.?? Be sure, though, to explain where exactly this arechtype comes from, so be specific!
I'll start:
The Hero:
Aang is the hero in this tale.?? He represents the main character and his quest (another one) to master all four elements and defeat the Fire Nation will be achieved at the end of this show.
See waht I mean?
Good luck in finding those archetypes!?? I bet you there's tons more; I've found them before, but I can't think of them from the top of my head.