I'm looking for a few good fanfics to pass the time until July.
At this point, I don't really care about which, if any, relationship is the central theme. I'm just looking for a good story. Plus, I find that the best ones don't concentrate that much on a relationship.
To get the ball rolling, here are a few that I'm reading:
A Brief Look at a Wide World A collection of one shots. They seem to be pretty good. Every now and then, there's a shipping theme, but it's barely touched on and doesn't affect the story.
Breakout Gaang doesn't trust Zuko, except for Toph. Toph gives him the idea to bust Suki out on his own. So far, Zuzu's been the Blue Spirit the whole time.
Mistakes of the Past Aang dies in the final battle while in the AS. With its last bit of power, the avatar spirit sends Zuko's conscious back in time to the beginning of the series. Now, Zuko relives the events and will change them. This is my second favorite.
The Second Invasion Story about the Gaang planning another invasion. So far, they've reached the South Pole and found that Pakku converted it into a North Pole-like society. With sexy results. (That last sentence is just a Simpson's reference. There are no sexy results.)
Destiny A, quite unfortunately, discontinued fic about an alternate turn of events post-"Tales of Ba Sing Se. " Zuko continues to date Jin, Long Feng returns Appa in exchange for an oath of the avatar's loyalty, and Iroh gets to run his tea shop. It's great.
Entertainment on a Deserted Nomad Temple Some Zutara, but it's mostly about Toph screwing with everybody while her feet heal. How could you not want to read that?
Ten Years Difference And this is my absolute favorite. In an alternate timeline, Aang isn't discovered until 10 years later. Because of these change of events, Sokka abandons his tribe to help Hakoda with the resistance, Iroh and Zuko betray the FN much sooner, several key people die within the first chapter, Azula plans on burning Ba Sing Se (which she controls), Suki's betrayed Sokka for Jet, and, believe it or not, the fact that the Fire Nation won the war isn't the biggest threat to the world. Koh is on the good guy's side in this one because he's afraid of what's coming, so you know that something awesome is going to happen.