Avatar is my favorite show, and I made a vow to love the show till the day I die (wow, sounds like I got married to it! LOL). Anyway, hes/shes right. If Avatar runs for too long, then it will turn out like spongebob, or Naruto. Yes, I am sad, but I am also happy, depressed, and excited that is ending. And, we wont have to wait very long, because this fall, there is going to be a new Avatar online game, and in fall of 2009, a short series is going to come out! We also have the movies in 2010! Yes, I will try to move on, and it will be hard. I am planning to read the last City of Ember book, and to go see the movie that is coming out in fall. It sucks though, because after the City of Emebr movie, thats over too! *cries*
Edited on 07/10/2008 9:39am