Before I begin: NYCC=New York Comic Con, SDCC=San Diego Comic Con.
So most people have seen the NYCC trailer. If you haven't, it's okay, this thead is pretty much SPOILER FREE.
So anyways, for those of you who did watch it, you'll agree that the screaming fangirls were pretty annoying. I mean really annoying. So annoying in fact that I have devised a plan to watch the trailer without the fangirls. That's right, I have a plan.
As you've probably realised, the trailer from NYCC has the same music as the trailer from SDCC all those months ago. so in theory, all you need to do is watch the NYCC trailer, with the soundtrack from SDCC playing.
But there's a twist. The characters speak. What needs to be done, is that someone finds a version of the SDCC trailer soundtrack without the voices. That's right, without dialogue. It does exist, I have seen it before.
So that's task number one. Next up is where video editing software skills are needed. Someone needs to get the dialogue from the NYCC trailer and place it exactly over the corresponding part in the SDCC soundtrack.
The finished result, with any luck, should be the NYCC trailer audio, without screaming fangirls. The next stage is the simple task of syncing the audio with the images.
Now as you can imagine this needs a bit of skill in editing software, skills that I do not possess. So I need someone else to do it. I need help. I'm throwing down a gauntlet. The Trailer Challenge. Yeah, that name works, let's go with that.
The prize? Well it speaks for itself, if you can do this, the end result will be the finale trailer without those screaming fangirls. And that's a pretty epic reward. So good luck everyone!
Oh, and one more thing, if anyone can find that dialogue free version of SDCC trailer music, that would be awesome.
EDIT: Courtesy of Picaboomman and Spacerac, I now have a dialogue free version of the trailer music. Right click and select save target as to download.
The trailer can be found at, Right above the trailer it says Alisa's version and 'download'. Simply right click on download and select save target as.