Aang just got the Avatar State, then he got blasted with lightning came back from death,or atleast the brink of death. But, now Aang has to take the next step in his Avatardom(not a word but I don't care) which isn't just Firebending. Aang is just too soft. He got knocked around far too much in that battle to say he's the most powerful bender in the world. I hope the Firebender that teaches Aang addresses this issue. Aang wouldn't have surived without Katara being there and I'm almost certain Aang will have to do the bulk of the final showdown with the Fire Nation on his lonesome. He has to adapt that Anti-Airbender killer instinct. Azula didn't hesiate in dealing that fatal blow, hopefully this'll advance Aang's battling mindset. I know he's 12 but damnit he's gotta step his game up. And fighting like a Firebender will be just the remedy.
What does everyone else think? Can Aang do it the way he is or does this youngin' need to man up and get more Firebender-like to beat Firebenders.