The show didn't go into much detail about this, but from the clip showing the giant Aang in the Avatar State falling over makes me believe that Aang was killed, or atleast his body was split from his spirit or something along those lines. Then, Katara revived him with her healing powers, amplified by the water from the Spirit Oasis.
Why is this significant?
1. If Aang died while he was semi-Avatar state, maybe that means the Avatar cycle is broken, making him truly the last Airbender (Airbenders other then him are all dead and no more Avatars will airbend). However, I think Aang would still have his powers because he is now alive, but will be unable to go into the Avatar state.
2. Aang never fully gave up his feelings for Katara. He was in the process of it and Azula zapped him, ending the transformation. Even if Aang did not die, the process of him giving up Katara and gaining control over the Avatar State was not completed.