Good Afternoon, Comrades.
I'd like to say first off that while it is indeed a pity that the NYCC Avatar Panel didn't allow themselves to be taped, it is nothing to get all worked up about.
The Miroku Government is doing everything it possibly can to quell the public's displeasure, but it is up to you to keep a cool head.
Secondly, there is a very good chance it was film, though by an offical member of the press, or by one of our special operations agents who smuggled in a cell phone camera.
Remember, the bomber will always get through.
No matter how many bombers are shot down (or cameras taken away), there will be at least one that drops its payload (or films it) and returns safely home.
This should be an hour to rejoice. Even if we cannot see it with our own eyes, others did indeed see it and will relay what they've seen to us.
Duty, Brotherhood, and Strength in the face of an Angry Night.
-Lt. Mikiel Hydra, Propaganda Minister of the Avatar Republican Army and of's Avatar forum.
Edited 2 total times.