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Nickelodeon (ended 2008)

A HUGE wall of text aimed at all shippers, in hopes that some see reason!

  • Avatar of _mazer_


    [1]Apr 21, 2008
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    This is what was originally going to be a somewhat long post that snowballed into an essay, but I decided I would post it anyway, in hopes that it contribute in some way towards ending the shipping war raging. I'm posting this because I believe most argument's I've read on both sides of the argument have been logically flawed, and so I'm going to address both sides. I will be amazed if more than 5 people read this, and if you don't please don't post J

    OK, right off the bat I'm going to say that I'm a die-hard Zutarian. However, I'd like to flatter myself that this really hasn't affected my judgment at all, any more than me wanting really badly to have a million dollars makes me believe it's likely to happen.

    I think the major problem with the way everyone is thinking and arguing in relation to the shipping is they are treating Aang and Katara like actual beings. They aren't. They are simply characters created by Bryke, and if Bryke want Kataang, or Zutara, or Taang, etc, they will do it. So any arguments about 'real life' needs to be taken with a heaping of salt, because this isn't real life, this is a fantasy created by two people, and unrealistic character development/actions happen all the time, i.e. Aang clearing all his negative emotions and guilt in a day of banana-onion bingeing.

    So, really, we need to look at what plot developments/hints Bryke has left for us within the series, and analyze what we think they want to happen.

    Fact 1: In seasons 1-2, there was almost nothing in any way indicative (and certainly nothing conclusive) of Zutara or Kataang, other than Aang's crush on Katara and their obvious close friendship. Katara hugs practically everyone, Katara kisses Aang on the cheek in a (I believe) sisterly/motherly way. Calling the cave scene in the season 2 finale 'Zutarian' is just silly, (except for one point, which I will address below)

    Fact 2: In season three, Bryke has gone out of their way to remove every logical obstacle facing Kataang:

    They established that Aang can love and marry Katara and still go into the Avatar State, ala "The Avatar and the Firelord"

    They brushed aside arguments that Katara is a mother figure to Aang, using "The Runaway" to show that she mothers the entire Gaang instinctively.

    They demonstrate that Katara's feelings toward, and perception of Aang is changing; her jealousy of another girl during "The Headband", her initial embarrassment toward dancing with him that same episode, her awkward little speech during the DoBS.

    I believe the emotions on her face during and after the DoBS kiss to be unreadable, and so consider the kiss to be largely irrelevant to any argument. The very fact that both parties attempt to use the kiss as 'evidence' should demonstrate the dubiousness of any evidence contained in it, other than Aang obviously has feelings for Katara.

    Fact 3: Bryke has now shown that Zutara could happen

    I mentioned earlier that the cave scene is not really Zutarian, except for in one way: it shows that Bryke are deliberately creating tension that must be resolved between Zuko and Katara.

    Kataangers have used Katara's b*tchiness and anger towards Zuko in 312-313 as evidence that Zutara cannot happen, however, this really again just continues the tension they set up earlier between the characters. The fact that Bryke has Katara be the only person in the Gaang towards which Zuko has both tension, and a significant emotional connection (the missing-mama thing) shows that they intend to have more CD between Katara and Zuko than between Zuko and anyone else.

    In the trailer, we see a bit of this tension come to fruition, Zuko and Katara on their 'ninja mission' (I'm sure involving both Ursa and Katara's mother), Zuko and Katara's hug, etc.

    Now, none of the above can really be interpreted to mean more than that Katara and Zuko will become close friends, which is pretty predictable considering the show's supposed demographic, really.

    And Katara pulling away from Aang's kiss could mean a number of things; it certainly does not count as Zutara 'evidence'

    No, the only real Zutara evidence I believe, is in the hug itself: the positioning of both Katara and Zuko's hands isn't really a 'friend' hug. Katara hugs a good number of people throughout the show, including Aang. Go look and see if any of their hands are wrapped around her waist, and hers around their neck. (I did: none of them were (omg!!)

    Is this 'proof' of Zutara? No! This could very well be, and probably is, Bryke just jerking chains to keep everything interesting.

    Kudos to anyone who has read this far.

    Fact 4: This is a children's show first and foremost.

    This is huge. The fact is, Aang is the main character of a children's show, and based upon just that, it boosts his odds with the ladies enormously. Now obviously, this is a very different kind of kid's show, and Bryke has worked very hard to make it be perceived as such, but still: even factoring in Bryke's desire to shake things up and make them different: Aang will probably not remain a celibate monk.

    In conclusion: Bryke has systematically removed every obstacle facing Kataang throughout Season three, and on the flipside shown that Zutara is possible.

    Based on the above evidence, I put the odds of the Kataang/Zutara at 75/25 in Kataang's favor.

    I want Zutara to happen, I really do, but the only chance is that Bryke has been misleading us the whole time this past season, wants to have a very un-mainstream ending, and the fact is there is only one piece of pro-Zutara evidence in a mountain of Kataang.

    Anyone that read all this, thank you, and I'd appreciate ANY thoughts/arguments presented below. So long as they, y'know make logical sense and all.

    Edited on 04/21/2008 5:21pm
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  • Avatar of avrurakinninami


    [2]Apr 21, 2008
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    who are you ?
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  • Avatar of Lisa31468


    [4]Apr 21, 2008
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    Wow, that IS a wall o' text.

    I am in awe of you my friend.

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  • Avatar of diamond428


    [5]Apr 21, 2008
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    LOL this is good but i got lost at some points (im bad at logical reaosning) but totally agree with u ESPECIALLY THE HUG heh i knew there was somehting striking abt it
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  • Avatar of _mazer_


    [6]Apr 21, 2008
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    avrurakinninami wrote:
    who are you ?

    I'm a very big Avatard,and a long-time frenquenter of this forum; I just never really post, either because I'm too lazy, or because everything that I would have said has already been said
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  • Avatar of AllKnowingBeing


    [7]Apr 21, 2008
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    Hm yea ok yea you make some good points.

    jk I didn't read it.

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  • Avatar of Spacerac


    [8]Apr 21, 2008
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    Sweet. I am in full-on agreement mode.
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  • Avatar of AllKnowingBeing


    [9]Apr 21, 2008
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    Now I read it.

    I take shipping very seriously. We all know that Zukaang and Katokka are the future! Death to the infidels!(sarcasm)

    Edited on 04/21/2008 5:39pm
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  • Avatar of Valin610


    [10]Apr 21, 2008
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    I read it all and basically agree with everything you say. I haven't been involved with the shipping wars on this forum as long as most, but I'm just getting tired of it all. What Bryke has planned is going to happen and that's that. Sure, people have the right to create their own versions to what's going to happen, but now it seems there's more insulting going around than creative thinking. People denounce facts that have happened in the show and try proving something that can't be proven. I'd prefer for Katara to end up with Aang for my own reasons, but if Bryke chose for her to be with Zuko and place it into the show well, I'm totally fine with it. Katara's relationship isn't the only reason I watch this show. It's pretty disturbing how that's the only reason some people watch the show.
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  • Avatar of Spike815


    [11]Apr 21, 2008
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    meh one or two things I disagree about the hug/not kiss. But overall I agree.
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  • Avatar of Maria93


    [12]Apr 21, 2008
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    i'm too lazy to read that HUGE wall of letters

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  • Avatar of starreh


    [14]Apr 21, 2008
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    I looked at that hug. I looked at it good. I looked at them animayshuns, and at them screencaps. My findings were, "I'm sorry for being such a biyatch, zuzu." Judging from Katara's sad look and Zuko's surprised look when she embraces him.

    But hay, seeing how I'm failing all my classes I'm not that smart. Could be wrong. THIS HAS BEEN A STARREH JUDGMENT.
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  • Avatar of DeeDuck33


    [15]Apr 21, 2008
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    seanroylv wrote:


    edit: second actually...


    Anyway, you do make very good points, and I'm in agreement with you. But, there is one fraction of evidence you forgot to mention: the Fortune Teller. While this may not seem much, it is still a little something that leans towards Aang/Katara.
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  • Avatar of dantedones


    [16]Apr 21, 2008
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    I guess that's something we can all agree on
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  • Avatar of xRamensx


    [17]Apr 21, 2008
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    Maria93 wrote:

    i'm too lazy to read that HUGE wall of letters

    Awww! That cat looks like a fatter version of my cat.

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  • Avatar of DeeDuck33


    [18]Apr 21, 2008
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    AllKnowingBeing wrote:

    Now I read it.

    I take shipping very seriously. We all know that Zukaang and Katokka are the future! Death to the infidels!(sarcasm)





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  • Avatar of avrurakinninami


    [19]Apr 21, 2008
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    _mazer_ wrote:
    avrurakinninami wrote:
    who are you ?

    I'm a very big Avatard,and a long-time frenquenter of this forum; I just never really post, either because I'm too lazy, or because everything that I would have said has already been said

    I read the word " lazy ", thats all
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  • Avatar of WiseLad


    [20]Apr 21, 2008
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    good post, even thought from what Bryke said in an interview long ago, they establishedd layouts of ships(Zuko-Aaang and katara with a small Mai) from at least COTL and return to Omashu, the only ships they really explored in book 1 were Yue-Sokka and George(which came first, than kind of died with Yue, than revived later on in book 2, than "died" with "her supposedly death" and making people think Tokka was possible; and now according to Trailers, will go FULL FORCE )
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