Here are basic rules:
1. This is a chain story, each poster will take turns adding a new chapter. A single writer may not post 2 chapters in a row.
2. Mark all post as the next chapter (example: If someone posted chapter 3, mark your post as chapter 4, even if it is just 1 paragraph)
3. Should two writers post at the same time,??the chapter that appeared 1st sticks.
4. If??your chapter is not posted fast enough, it can become the NEXT chapter??IF it is not in direct conflict. (Example: Two writers post chapter 5 at same time, if writer B's chapter does not conflict with writer A's, then writer B's chapter can become chapter 6)
5. No profanity, sexual situations, or 'bloopers'.
I think that covers it, have fun and make a great story! I'll start.
Prologue: Aang??lay by the small fire, crouching in pain.??He had made??a small cave his refuge from the harsh storm outside. It??was funny how- enjoyable a fire-nation rain fall was. The drops were??actually warm, and gave off??a sweet scent. But the rain had turned to hail and lightning illuminated the sky.
The young Avatar felt??the??deep wound in his??side.??He was burnt terribly??threw-out the torso, and pain seemed to reach every inch of him. "How could this happen?" he??said to himself. He thought about all the events of the past month.??
After rallying the??Earth Kingdom into re-taking Ba-Sing-Se,??the Earth King insisted the invasion of Black-Sun go on as scheduled, a move that proved disastrous.??The??army had a late-start and arrived in Fire territory the very day of the eclipse. The day passed with no advantage to either side, but the eclipse was short lived. By the end of the week the Fire-Nation had claimed a decisive victory.
Aang sent Appa out to safety??with as??many solders as possible, Sokka was among them.??Aang had no idea??of the whereabouts of Toph and Katara.??The Avatar had escaped from Oazi himself. Never had the young boy encountered a more powerful bender.??Aang closed his eyes and tried to block out any memory of the fight or escape.
The Avatar had not yet the power to stand, but??he vowed??that when he regained his strength, he would find his friends. He had to. And he would have to do it with the entire Fire-Nation after him.??????